The Self-Care Check


In dog years I’m dead 🎶
Nov 26, 2020
What’s one thing you’ve done today to care for your well-being?

Here are some ideas:
  • Go for a walk
  • Dance to your favorite song
  • Create a new playlist
  • Call someone you love
  • Set a timer and focus on deep breathing for 2 minutes
  • Name 5 things you’re thankful for
  • Take a long shower
  • Play with your pet
  • Try out photography or drawing
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Watch your favorite movie
  • Turn off your social media for a few hours
  • Pick a room to clean with your favorite music on
  • Do some gardening or get a new houseplant
  • Do some yoga
  • Make a list of things that make you smile
this is a really good thread idea!!

mine is small, but i worked hard to make sure i slept for a good chunk of time last night. i needed it so badly and i even asked my friend for advice on how to make sure i slept all night..! i feel a lot better now
I love this thread so much! It's such a nice idea and good for the TBT community, I think ^^

Today I...

- drank water (I'm trying to drink more water)
- listened to a song I really liked and danced around!
- told my mom I love her (recently I've been missing her and feeling guilty for moving out of her house to live with my father...)
- cleaned up my room a little bit
- wrote a letter to a close friend
- read a bit of a manga I've been meaning to finish reading for ages LOL
Did a few things today.
-Watched my one of my favorite movies and and danced my heart out to all of the songs when they came on.
-Remembered to drink water and ate my favorite meal, even though I was planning not to eat today.
-Got all of my work done so I didn't have to stress later.
-Took a few naps since sleep makes me happy.
Awesome thread
Today the list was big
1-went to the gym and did some workout
2- studied 2hours of my prep exams
3- watched episode 4 a new hope for the millionaise time in my life
I love to finish my day with a cup of tea and a grear old school movie
this is a cute thread idea! yesterday I did a face mask and just cuddled with my cats for a few hours, and then actually went to bed at a reasonable time. aim for today is to read more than the little obligatory bit I do before bed
This is a really nice thread idea! Today I:
- slept for 9 hours
- went for a walk with my dog
- showered and did my skincare
- made myself some cheese + crackers and also peanut butter w/ jam on toast, two of my favourite snacks. I usually just have one snack per day but I am trying to eat more.
Bit of relaxation today (my favorite form of self-care) after a long week:

- Wrapped up in blankets with a cup of coffee and read some manga
- Made a photo spread in my journal to recap some of my favorite moments
- Went out for a walk
Did some art during the morning when I had energy, and listened to my body's request to nap/take it easy in the afternoon uwu Would have liked to showered today but I think that's a tomorrow activity 😅
I went back to sleep for awhile then ordered my favorite food. Ate it while brushing out my doggo's fur, and found out you can make yarn out of dog hair. Kind of excited about that.
Since today was Saturday, I slept in until I felt like getting out of bed. I watched a show that I've really been enjoying and took a long, hot shower this evening.
What’s one thing you’ve done today to care for your well-being?

Here are some ideas:
  • Go for a walk
  • Dance to your favorite song
  • Create a new playlist
  • Call someone you love
  • Set a timer and focus on deep breathing for 2 minutes
  • Name 5 things you’re thankful for
  • Take a long shower
  • Play with your pet
  • Try out photography or drawing
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Watch your favorite movie
  • Turn off your social media for a few hours
  • Pick a room to clean with your favorite music on
  • Do some gardening or get a new houseplant
  • Do some yoga
  • Make a list of things that make you smile
I love these!! There are def things on your list that I should be doing more but don't haha.
Here are some I try to do:
  • Get some sun! Vitamin D is so important but I didn't realize until I was older. It helps with my mood and regulates my sleep schedule. You only need about 15 minutes of exposure a day so a quick walk is usually enough but if that's not possible, I open my blinds and let the natural light in.
  • Crying. Okay, sounds counter intuitive but crying give you a release that may improve your mood. You don't have to cry over sad things. Today I cried watching Idina Menzel perform Defying Gravity. Just something that moves you. You don't have to do it daily or even weekly but once in a while can make you feel lighter.
  • Affirmations. I know they're kind of silly but actually saying positive things about yourself out loud does make a difference. I don't do this enough but I'm going to try.
  • Doing a mud mask or a facial mask.
  • Stretching and giving yourself a massage.
I showered and helped my partner wash the bedding >: 0 Today was quite bad pain wise but it feels amazing to be clean and in a clean bed 😊💕