The Self-Care Check

Well since these past couple of months have been the worst considering how many posts I made showing how I was feeling I would give a list of things I do that is my self care:

1. Whenever I wake up the first thing I do is go and get Breakfast and take my medications

2. After Breakfast I brush my teeth.

3. I do my daily Exercise by doing 52 minutes on the Treadmill and burning 100 Calories, which helps straighten the Mood.

4. After Exercise I take a 40 minute rest to recharge my energy

5. I spend most of my day watching YouTube Videos and Playing Games.

6. Before the day ends I take a shower and get ready for Bed.

7. Sometimes when I feel down or don't feel like doing anything the next day I usually put on songs that I listen too.
Today I’m relaxing with some iced coffee and my favorite daily news podcast. Later on I’m going to take a hike to walk off some stress.
Tonight I took a long, hot shower and just stood there for a while relaxing. I also ordered some really delicious food for dinner.
I ate some dark chocolate and went to my appointment to get my monthly medication injection
Went to my appointment earlier, and now I am back home watching Shrek with some diet coke. :,)
Instead of giving in to my anxiety I've done a few things recently for my well being that's put me outside of my comfort zone. It was scary doing it but I want to continue pushing myself because I know its for the better.
My heart rate was rising from ruminating, so I took a long, hot shower. While I do this every night, it still felt nice.
Not so much something I did today as a change I made a few weeks back to my routine, but I started setting an alarm for 8am. I'd been sleeping late, having troubled sleep, and waking up already feeling tired and down, and then stressing over not having enough time to get things done in the day. Making myself get up earlier hasn't fixed my troubled sleep issues, but it's lessened the extent to which it's been bothering me, and generally speaking I think I've been doing better since I switched things up. I think having a little extra time in the day is helping me too.
I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today, it was nice to see her. It was nice to have some "social interaction" even if it was only over video chat. And she's letting me come off one of my meds, since I've been on a lot of them and I'm doing well, so we think this particular one I can do without it for now.
I did some stretching to alleviate stress and get rid of some of my dumpiness. It helped a fair bit!
I took an impromptu half-day off from work. I'm working from home and my power went out this morning. I used my phone to create a hotspot and worked until almost noon when my laptop battery died. I let everyone know what was going on and that I might not be back on this afternoon. The power's back up now, but I've already mentally checked out for the day, so I just decided to give myself the afternoon off.
Aaaahh it feels so nice to read about how everyone takes care of themselves. It's a bit early in the morning for me to have "that big self-care moment" but I did start my day with a hot and delicious cup of coffee. I think if I get stressed about work, I'm going to work on my crochet project.
I brushed my teeth, did the dishes that were piling up, bought myself a couple things on Amazon, took my meds and multivitamins, and am just relaxing and enjoying the day. I also made a salad for later since I'm trying to eat healthier
I've been doing a lot better at keeping up with my journalling lately and I find it to be sooo helpful for me mentally to just dump all of my thoughts out on to the page. Sometimes I just write whatever I'm thinking about and sometimes I like to write based on a journalling prompt, so if anyone has any journal prompt resources they would recommend please do send them my way!
I usually watch some stuff before bed to keep my mood up before I go to sleep, but I just wasn't feeling up to it last night and went straight to bed. So, this morning I made sure to set a little extra time aside to watch some things and make up for it, which definitely boosted my mood a bit.
I ordered myself a bunch of sparkling/seltzer water since I'm trying to cut back on sugary drinks and be healthier
I ate lunch and took a shower. That doesn't sound like much, but I was with my mom at the ER all last night, then she called me back early this morning to help her. So I hadn't showered in over 48 hours and hadn't eaten in about 24 hours. I jumped at the chance to do both while she was sleeping.