Awww that?s heartbreaking I had no idea! I think it may have happened when I was hiatus from this site. You can pm me if you want to but you don?t have to prove anything.a few public articles came out about it, one of her friends from school shared with me and my friends. we ended up talking to her mom afterwards. one of our friends made a post about it here that shortly got removed after. i could pm you if needed
There was actually an official thread about it here
Yes Mariah, my birthday twin and I liked her style, bruh.
there was someone with a miffy avatar i think.... i forgot their username. they seemed sweet and i interacted with them like once (think thwy just asked what one of my pfps were from) but unfortunately they stayed here for a short time
I miss the IRC days tbh.
bro i was just looking through this place again and like damn
some good times
makkine, jason, maddy, ty? heck.
back when sheila was like umeko or something? can't remember what she was before that. heck yeah.
good times.