The Ten Tales of Fugiree πŸ•

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower

Something came up irl and Im finding it hard to focus on big projects. So this will be on hold for awhile
I made a funny riddle a bit back! I don't know why, riddles are no fun! Because they make me think!

But I haven't solved it because it makes no sense. I guess I thought of it when I was watching Static..

do you like riddles?


As the final part of Sasha's story has begun filming, I can tell you this. Its long! So I'll be splitting it up!

I hope you've enjoyed this tale! Look for it coming soon in the next week or two! Will see how this whole story ends!


Hey guys,

So two things:

My mom is super sick right now, and I have to help her with stuff. Im finding it kinda hard to focus, zive got another thing ontop of that coming up so Ive been really stressed.

I cant really focus on writing, when I do its jusr bad, so this'll be on hold until im in a better place. Sorry,


I was getting too attached to Toby on hhp, so I decided to invite him to my island

Then after realized I dont have Claude's amibo. So Im gonna figure that out but Im thinking gonna have to just remove Claude. Toby will not be there since its a long distance thing. So if I end up not getting my hands on Claude's Amiibo, Toby's tale will count as Sasha's.

So until then, and things are hopefully better, this is on hold

Stay excellent,

(See main cast reference colours above)



Well someone has a lot of explaining to do! How dare you not tell us about your personal life, Sasha


Honestly you know our lives, and who were with, we all thought you were not with anyone, and here were only hearing now about your little partner ship, with a celebrity none the less as well


Full details when we get home Sasha. Don't keep anything out

Ain't you three a nosy bunch, Sasha is allowed to hide his stuff, but now that I know... Well, I gotta go give a good talking to a rabbit

Your not his father Static, why do you have to interview him


Don't matter, I'm also going to enjoy chatting to this rabbit boy when I meet him

You better not! We do NOT want bad impressions! do you know what the publicity would be like? It would be all over the world with my face, saying how you two-

Make that three Marshal

You will do no such thing!

You three better not do something that will make the image of our fall! That would be a travesty, to know that our island is the only one
Toby REGRETS visiting

He ain't talking to any of ya till we give him a nice talking too, been practising how id go about doing this, and I think it would be fun to practice on bunny boy

Honestly Static you are not his father, so you better play nice with him, once Sasha introduces us, I don't want you to pull out a list or a bat


Good thing I still have my trusty bat haha

You three are gonna ruin our island's image if you pull out bats and lists!

Hey Sasha, get back to it, I wanna hear the end of your epic tale!

This ain't the kinda story I was talking about ya know! I expect a nice scary story after this one!

Oh quite you, please continue Sasha, but know there will be questions afterwards


Yay! I can't wait for all of you to meet Toby! Let's see where was I...



Luckily Toby offered to drive us! I was surprised he could, I thought maybe we were just going to walk. I don't like walking, but having my walking buddy be my snack buddy, I was looking forward to it! But driving works too, while we were in the car I told him all about how I wasn't allowed to drive anymore, and afterwards he reacted how everyone does, when Im driving in a car with them. They keep an eye on me, and make sure I don't do anything. But it was such a fun ride!

It was bumpy, and I kept jumping up in my seat whenever we hit a bump, and it was like a fun little ride. Though it made Toby panic, I think he was worried I was gonna do something. It's funny because I don't remember the bus being this bumpy, maybe the bus was hovering over the bumpy road like magic, and soaring across the road. But I like Toby's car it was fun, and bouncy! I asked if Toby wanted to sing along with me, to the radio playing, but he refused so I decided to serenade him!

I think it took him by surprise, but I like funny music, so I couldn't resist. But I probably didn't sound nearly as good as him I bet! But I was still enjoying the ride. Im glad Toby put up with driving with me

(I'd go crazy)


There weren't many towns around, not even where the convention was, was there a bakery, or anything with a nummy cookie in it. I think that was what Toby meant when he said something to eat, he wanted to get something from a bakery like a cake. But we were super lucky because we finally found a place! Toby wasn't happy about it, he looked disappointed, I don't know why

We thought it was a coffee shop, but when we got in, all we saw was that it was a convenience store! Which is also a bakery, because I love the plastic pastries in the bags, and the yummy drinks. Who wouldn't be happy to have some yummy deserts like that! Toby looked sad when we got out with our yummy treats

Hm? Not happy with your chips?

Erm, no I just was hopping for something a bit more... Uh, elegant then this. But I couldn't find a single place to eat, or at least somewhere really nice, or has something better then Twinkies...

Twinkies are nummy, and so are the drinks! These are great!

Erm, it's still not what I had in mind for getting something to eat, there's no real restaurants, or anything like that around, or at least are open...

Im happy to be with my snack buddy, and equally happy to be sharing snacks with him. Thanks for taking me out here, I couldn't be happier

I don't know if Toby thought I was just humouring him, and that was the only reason I was acting happy. But I really was just happy to be eating snacks with my snack buddy. It's honestly a treat, it's like something plated in gold given to you.

I saw Toby looking at the flowers it the bed beside the convenience store, and I wasn't really sure why he was so interested in them,


Do you like flowers? I love flowers, their so pretty, do you know what those ones are called.

Erm, hibiscus I think, I'm not a flower expert, but one looked kinda loose, and sense I kinda failed on getting you um, proper dinner. then, maybe you'll like this?

Toby turned to me and had the pretty flower in his paw, and looked like he had eaten spicy food. Passing the pretty flower to me, I was so happy to receive such a pretty gift!


Wait that pretty flower is for me? Yay! I love bee food!

What? Bee food?

Thank you!

I took the flower happily in my paws, but it was kinda hard to hold it, so I quickly put it in hair instead, I bet I looked pretty goofy, when I looked at Toby with twinky on my face we looked all flushed. Must have had something spicy, I didn't know there were any kinda spicy convenience food, but I guess there was!


Do you like spicy convenience food? Do you have any I could try, was your slushie spicy? Or the chips?



Your face is all flushed, and you look like you just ate something spicy? So I wanted to know if I could have some spicy convenience food if you still had any left on you!

Red-flushed? Uh, yeah lots of uh... Spicy chips, um.. I don't have any left though, sorry.

I don't know how Toby kept getting red the more he looked at me, so I offered him my drink and we both looked around. I saw we were right beside the ocean, and the ocean has lots of water that could help him!

Wanna try some water? The ocean has lots of water, and water will help cool down your mouth! Though ocean water is kinda icky... I get alot in my mouth while hunting for sharks.

Hunting for sharks-I mean uh no that's alright, but uh, do you wanna sit down by the ocean? Might be better then just uh, standing in the parking lot.

By the ocean? Yeah! I love snacking down by the beach! Lets go, lets go!

I grabbed my bag of snacks, and grabbed my drink happily looking at Toby who did the same. We walked from the store down to the beach, and I suddenly felt like I was at home again.


A nice quite night by the beach, eating snacks with a snack buddy. I love the sound of the ocean, and the wind blew lightly over head. There wasn't anyone else there, only me, and Toby were there with the ocean. I did feel funny though.

I love sitting on the beach with my snack buddies, eating snacks, and talking but with Toby something did feel different. Maybe it was because of Toby's red face, and how I saw he was smiling at me, but I was still confused why I was confused. This was just like eating a snack with any snack buddy right? Why did it feel different eating snacks with Toby.

He really didn't feel like a snack buddy.


Something wrong? You look uh, kinda confused

I was so confused that I didn't even notice Toby had been watching me be confused.

Im OK! Im just confused about something, it reminds me of something that came to my mind awhile back, and I thought I had forgotten, but now Im remembering it... It's making me think all over again

Erm, care to share?

I don't know why Toby but, you don't feel like a snack buddy...

Wait-what do you mean?

I like hanging out with you, like I like hanging out with all my other friends, but you feel like something I've been confused about ever since I spoke to Static, if your not a snack buddy, but you feel like one, but you also don't... I don't know what you are to me, do you like riddles Toby? I don't know if that counts as a riddle... Does it count as one Toby?

(Really, Static of all animals)


Maybe um, give me some context? Riddles can be fun to solve


Really? OK so... If I like hanging out with you as much as my other snack buddies, but for some reason I don't feel like Im hanging out with a snack buddy. But yet I still enjoy hanging out with you, then what does that make you? Hm..

Erm, you feel... Different hanging out with your friends? Im kinda lost... Can you explain a little more...?

Well it all started when I was talking with my buddy Static, back on my island, then I started to think about this funny riddle


Remember three years ago Static? I remember running into you that one night, the one where you looked sad


I ran into Static one night by the beach he looked all funny, kinda looked nervous about something, but he looked like that all day. I was kinda worried so I ran up, and asked him why he looked that way, and he of course denied he looked that way. But I was convinced something was on his brain, because for that whole day he had been acting funny. he was avoiding everyone more then usual, and was hanging out all day in his house. So as soon as I saw him. I had to ask him if he was OK, and I really wanted to know why he had been acting all funny

But then he told me he was just stuck on something, that something had been budding him, of course he didn't tell me what was bugging him. All he asked was if I'd seen Raymond! I knew he was probably nervous about Raymond, those two hangout a whole lot, and they're very close to each other. I just told him that Raymond was away with Marshal, and he looked a whole lot more relaxed, so I was confused, maybe they had a bit of a fight or something

Awe, are you fighting? Friends shouldn't fight?

Friends? Were a whole lot more then just friends Sasha



Awe! You must be very close snack buddies! I hope you find some way to feel better!

If I needed help gettin things fixed up with Raymond, Id go flag down Kobe. But I've just got a lot on my mind and no were not fighting. But were defiantly more then that?

Huh? More then a snack buddy? Whats more then a snack buddy? You can't be any closer then a snack buddy right?

(Oh right I remember this)

What? I don't know what more then that. Some special snack buddy I guess? I don't know about you and Sherb's lingo-

Wait, a special snack buddy? Whats a special snack buddy? I've never heard of one of those before? Are they rare? How do you get one? Are we special snack buddies?

What?! No, I just came up with that, I don't know what it means, or if it even is a thing or not

But I don't know what a special snack buddy is Static, you gotta tell me, what's a special snack buddy?!

(Oh so your the one who confused the rabbit)

(Great. So that's where that started)

(Blame Static)

I don't know what it is, I doubt it's even a thing? I just came up with it now. So don't fret about nothing, probably past your bed time, so you should go on to bed

Awe it probably is your right... I have nummy cake waiting for me... But I still don't get what you mean

I got no idea where your coming from, so don't worry about it Sasha, just get some nights sleep.


So... What's a special snack buddy Toby?

(Not finished yet)
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Hmm, I just don't really get it myself, just because I don't know what that means? It only confused me more as the days went on, I even started to realize something different with my friends, and how much they were changing as well!


I mean I knew some where together, when Im out, and about exercising, and doing other things like exercising I sometimes see my friends bickering, even though their together. I mean Marshal and Cat, well, they are pretty different from each other! None the less, I always see them hanging out on the island,


Marshal takes Cat shopping, and to fancy restaurants and makes him dress up in spiffy clothes. Cat says there very scratchy, but he still humours Marshal and goes with him to fancy places Im not allowed to step foot in. Because I always wanna play with the table clothes, and the last time I did that I got kicked out. At least Cat goes in on his best behaviour


Then Marshal humours Cat, and goes to all his noisy, and loud play offs with Cat's friend's. Marshal always has popcorn all over him, and smells like drinks Im not allowed to have. Also talking with Cat, who's always super hyper if you go to a game with him. But Marshal is the only one who will go to games with him. Cause um... Stuff.


Heh... Um a story for another time how about. But anyway they don't like the same thing, even though their super close, but sometimes I am looking at them, and now realizing... Well they aren't acting completely like buddies. But they still appreciate and respect each other greatly!


But many of my friends are super close to each other, even my real best buddy is close to Chief! He hasn't been here for long, but they get along really well, and their pretty much as close as Marshal, and Kid Cat now. I guess Sherb just cheers him up, and brings out his soft side? That's what Marshal told me

(Seriously Marshal)

(It's called observing, and guessing)

(I ain't that sappy)


Even Lopez, and Bruce are close, but I think there's a bit more going on. They seemed to know each other, or just looked like friends when they first interacted. But their as close as my other friends, and over time just kept getting closer, and closer


I remember getting up one morning, and having to watch two of my friends on stage, and everyone was all really dressed up. I wasn't sure what was going on, it wasn't a very entertaining performance. but everyone else was clapping so I decided to clap too. But I like going out, and though getting all dressed up wasn't fun, I still enjoyed it. Kinda


But Toby, this was on my mind for so long, and it was all Static's fault, I found it really hard to focus on things like that. Because your that close, then what're you really? Do you know Toby? It was bugging me for weeks... I kept trying to focus on other things, but I couldn't because of that. I tried consulting with other friends, but they weren't helping me..



Chief and Sherb


Bruce and Lopez


Raymond and Static...

All super close... Hmm


I looked over at Toby, and he looked just as confused by his face. I don't blame him, it's a really tricky riddle. I don't know if even the smartest of people would solve it

Heh, yeah I don't really get it either, Im sure I will one day though! I'll have to ask my friends again when I get back


I mean, I am leaving tomorrow after all, I wish I could stay longer but my friends are waiting for me! Then back to Fugiree then, but this has been a fun adventure! I don't get lots of adventures at home. Maybe I'll go to more of my friend's cons.

Ah, yeah right, since the con is over I guess you gotta go home


As I got to my feet I looked over and saw Toby was looking a little on the sad side, and I was kinda sad myself. But that weird feeling was back. again. I would miss him too.

Hey, I'll drive you back! But uh... It's been a lot of fun, even though we haven't known each other long, it's been fun to hangout with you

I'm gonna miss you too

As we were leaving, and getting into the car I decided to check my phone, and I was overwhelmed by the number of messages from Sylvanna, and some were kinda angry. I guess Genji forgot to tell her that I wasn't at the convention. But, I felt bad, as I drove home with Toby who seemed restless. I messaged her back

Sorry on my way back

Just come back to the hotel Sasha.

I replied then I put my phone away, and looked at Toby who returned my smile, and I saw that he had turned up the radio, and he was muttering under his breath? But as I got closer the him, I could vaguely hear that he was singing. It made me smile, and gradually got louder as I got to the hotel. I would really miss Toby.

We reached the hotel at around ten, and outside I saw Maddie, and Sylvanna waiting, both looked ready for bed, and Maddie looked only half awake when we got out. She stared briefly at Toby then looked at me


So, explain to me why you didn't tell us where you went, and why we had to hear from Genji where you were? You know we spent like an hour looking for you Sasha, so what's the big idea?


Im sorry! Im sorry, I didn't mean it, I just um, I didn't expect to be escorted out, but Toby found me, and offered to help me out?

Help you out? What do you mean?

*Yawn* He can tell us tomorrow Sylvanna, Im exhausted...

Id really rather hear it from him now

It was um, I was caught on social media people were following me around, and I kept annoying them by pretending I hate Toby, but I don't hate him, and he came to save me.

Well... I guess it's fine since your back, just don't think to answer us, because all four of us have been texting. I even have Genji's number now, because he wanted me to text if we found you. Because for all we knew you got lost.

Yeah Sasha, let's just go back to the hotel... Im too tired.


Well um, thanks for bringing him back Toby...

It's no trouble, happy to um... Be there for him

Well Sasha, go find Chrissy and ketchup, we were all worried

ok! Um... g-good night Toby... Thanks for everything!

i wasn't hiding how awkward I was my friends saw right through it, I wanted to say more but all I did was vaguely wave and leave. i felt really sad. I felt even more sad when I went to bed. Toby was a star, this was probably my only time id see him like this. that weird feeling was back. But I could now tell what it was now.


I had no idea what would happen tomorrow. I was too sad to think.

Hey... Um... Can I ask you something?
So, just a small announcement, because last night i was too tired to write it till now,

Latest update was only part 1 off the end to Sasha's tale, and the next update will be the last of his. Probably in the next week or two

Second I dont have Claude's amiibo. So Im unable to do anything with him, so yeah. Not the most honorable of choices. But hes just not gonna appear anymore in the screenshots

Toby wont be joining, his story will count as Sasha's. Since the cannon is a long distance relationship.

Bit of an update, I kinda lost touch with what's going on here.. Ive been caught up in alot of stuff lately.

Hospital, school, rabbits. Which im not 100% about cause its frusterating me lol. But filming itself takes alot of time and a single entry takes a full day that I teally don't have the time to do

Theres a bit of a trend right now with small journals, or just fun short joyrnal entries. So I might do that? Cause I do love journals I just dont have the time to do big ones.

But with all the stuff going in Fugiree Id enjoy not taking a whole day to write out entries. So Im probably going to change that up

I teally appreciate everyone who read this. I dont know if ill have time to finish Sasha's. So I really hope you understand that shortening my entries is far more better because as I've said i dont have the time to be as active in them

So if I go through witj this it would, be a short story between villagers most likily with my main isle.

Will my rep be preasent? Probably not this is all my villager's. Just updates from them or ya know. Stuff going on between them.

I do have cannon relationships with them. But basically updates from each of them weekily.