The "The Person Bellow You Game"


The person below me really wishes he didn't mess w/ bacon's gf
(i can feel this getting epic! lolz xD)
lol. Hey, it's me! (Pyscho music plays)

The person below me likes to say asLKJDFGHASLKHFGASDLHF
Hahaha bacon

The person below me (if it's bacon) has no idea what's been going on here with mega and me....xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
.....o_O I'll get someone to strangle you in the shower! And take pics and post them on TBT! xDDDDDDDD thats hilarious

The person below me dosen't give a damn that bacon's my bf....xDDDD
wow... I must suck as a bf...

The person below me knows that I know that they know that Steve Martin smells like rotten potatoes...
wtf? lol

the person below me (if it's bacon) dosen't know that there's a vid w/ his gf in it on TBT, and mega happened to call her hot.....xDDDDDDDD