The "The Person Bellow You Game"

that was once, and I thought it was chocolate...

The person below me finds nook strangely attractive...
those are those things in strip malls, right?

The person below me clicks every ad they find...
i do npot. o9 just diont always typ;e rightyl

the person below me is the person above me
obviously none of the boys below me have tried typing with a baby in their hands....MWAHAHAHAH...xD
er... so what if I do? What's with all of these bacon puns? I'm highly offended...

The person below me likes to eat slugs...
(LOL just joking with ya bacon)

the person below me hasn't been on all day....>>
Crap we have school tomorrow
noez......xD I don't wanna.....i spend to much time on this forum already! xD (What like 6 hours straight? xDD)

The person below me missed a lot today.....>.<
:(, I'm sorry, but aI like that website cause of the characters and the messages...

The person below me like pie