The "The Person Bellow You Game"

The person below me like death note yaoi <3 over says the word Rawr and masturbates everynight ;) LOL ... so bascally the person underneath me is a "freak"
I doubt that. 1) I'm not gay. 2) NEVER will I marry again.

The person below me has duped everything in their house.
Lol how to dupe?PS:Ma house is awesome!PS=2:How much money have we earned with the treasure hunt?

The p. below me is a kitte.
Mreow! ^ <big>_</big> ^
=( . . )=
( O )

Lol fail cat?

person below me is a coca cola can
The person above me has some problems o_O

The person below is not a person at all.
How'd ya know? O:

The person below me has had PEELZ before.
PEELZ? OMG! Sean, I like your signature. "Me and Mishie are bifflz" :)

The person below me likes rainbows.
How'd you know? ;D
The person below me has been RAEPED! O:
hmmm you wish, I know self defense! ;)
the person below me just time traveled to the jurassic age and just saw a T-rex pass him/her