The Unpopular Opinions thread

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I don't get the obsession over coffee. Everyone I know "needs it to function" and is overall addicted to it. I just don't get it. It tastes bad and makes your breath smell.

It's kind of baffling to me that coffee is so widely accepted when it's an addictive substance that causes actual withdrawal symptoms.​
Professional sports, like the MLB and NFL, had their part of the play for a while, but I think it’s time for them to come to an end. First of all, they have been very vocal in recent controversies, especially touchy subjects. The MLB news would not stop talking about the Astros and how they cheated, the NFL was tainted by the national anthem protests, and the NBA has supported China’s dictatorial moves for profit. Also, people have taken sports way too seriously, even when it means assaulting others or making threats towards the players. There’s even drama within the players. I know it’s unfair to take away something from everybody over the actions done by the vocal minority, but when something becomes a problem that cannot be controlled (like when a site feature gets abused and couldn’t be moderated), it’s best to take it away.
South Park’s 20th Season is pretty good (or at least okay). Season 14 of South Park, however, should’ve still been declared the worst. I remember back when Season 14 was airing, reception towards the episodes were poor, and I’ve been seeing a lot of cynicism. Yet, when I do see many definitive lists, Season 20 tends to rank even lower, even though it was done better than Season 14. Actually, South Park was a lot better during the last seven seasons (minus Season 18) than it was before (even more than Season 5 and their famous episodes like when Butters got grounded for his school picture or when the boys and girls got into an intense fight).
I'm probably going to get roasted alive and crucified for saying this but as someone who is studying to be a computer scientist, which is a STEM-related job, I think liberal/fine arts are harder than STEM jobs. Personally, I enjoy painting, drawing, and playing music in my free time but to do it in an extremely competitive and nit-picky field feels so overwhelming and probably damaging to my self-conscious and motivation. Heck, I can't even go through Instagram without feeling like crap when I see a person my age create wonderful art that almost makes mine look like a basic scribbled crayola drawing. Not to mention the stories I heard of many people who worked in the art industry as well. With STEM, you usually learn all your skills while in school and college etc, but with liberal/fine arts, most of the time you're really competing against people who have probably been working on their talent since they were a fetus. Heck, in some art-relating jobs, if you don't have a certain "je ne sais quoi" or any sort of quality/style that an employer is looking for, you'll be flat out rejected regardless of how many years you've been working for in the industry. Even some places will flat out reject you and say "Sorry, but your portfolio has nothing to offer to us because we believe that your skills presented to us feel inexperienced or not what we want" despite having the most vibrant and interesting portfolio you've been working on for 20+ years. And no, this doesn't just include visual arts like painting, it also includes others like writing, music, music, dancing, etc. You could literally work in the industry for many years, maybe your entire life, without ever making it big, especially if you're planning to be noticed independently. It seems like such a high-risk/high-reward job that I applaud anyone for taking part in such field. It's because of this reason I kinda went for comp-sci instead of taking a fine-arts focus, since you don't really need to have a degree to make it big in the industry.

Either way, it bothers me a lot when some STEM elitists call liberal or fine arts "stupid, low-effort, and useless" all while dismissing the amount of work people literally put into that field, because some people have been working on their artistic qualities since they were a child.
Either way, it bothers me a lot when some STEM elitists call liberal or fine arts "stupid, low-effort, and useless" all while dismissing the amount of work people literally put into that field, because some people have been working on their artistic qualities since they were a child.
As someone in a STEM major, I totally agree with you. I feel like you have to be putting out amazing works on the regular since kindergarten to even have a chance at those careers. I’d prefer to keep my art at a hobby level, anyways, since I’ve heard going professional drains all the fun out of doing your art. I’m not saying that this is always the case, but I’ve heard stories of regret from making a passion a career.
Either way, it bothers me a lot when some STEM elitists call liberal or fine arts "stupid, low-effort, and useless" all while dismissing the amount of work people literally put into that field, because some people have been working on their artistic qualities since they were a child.
I hate the entire notion that something isn't worth studying if it isn't going to make you wealthy. I majored in painting & printmaking and a lot of people ask me if I regret it, and...I don't! I wouldn't recommend a fine arts degree to everyone, but I was in such a rut for so many years of my life because I didn't know what I wanted to study and felt like art wasn't an option. When I finally went for it, it was good for me.
I have a lot of unpopular, but correct opinions 😔

1. Batman and Robin is my favorite Batman movie. I genuinely enjoy it more than the Nolan movies. The Tim Burton era films were great but I still love the absolute bonkers campness of Batman and Robin.
2. The Phantom Menace is my favorite Star Wars lmao. Look the plot is garbage and the characters are stiff but I love the scenery and podracing. Naboo is literally so beautiful and I loved Padme. I like the originals esp A New Hope. Force Awakens was fun but derivative. I don't talk about the other two. Literally fell asleep twice trying to get through Rogue One. Anyway, the Mandalorian is better than any of the movies and it's partly because it doesn't take itself seriously.
3. Pokemon BW is the best gen. I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I tend to see people say Gen 1, 2 or 4.
4. Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game.
I dont like bacon and egg, or any fatty foods for breakfast.

When I was a kid, trying to eat anything like that always made me nauseous beyond belief. I could force myself to eat some melon or cold cereal before going to school in the morning...but, anything with a strong odor or greasy composition always drove me to the verge of being physically ill. As an adult, I can eat pretty much anything as soon as I wake up. Which is probably a side effect of the solid decade I spent between the age of 19-30, when I was drinking a lot and being hungover all the time. Because, you learn to love those types of food pretty quickly when that's the case. Nothing cures a hangover quicker than a greasy breakfast sandwich and some coffee. But, yeah...that was definitely an acquired taste on my part. Struggled with that for a long time.
I dont like bacon and egg, or any fatty foods for breakfast.
Frankly, I hate fried meat in general, if I eat bacon I cook it in the oven lol, it's less greasy and it smells less fatty. It drives me mad when my family fry food, the smell clings to everything and I hate it 😞

Also, I haven't eaten breakfast in years! I'm never hungry when I wake up, so instead I eat all the breakfast foods I love (oats, cereal, toast) in the afternoon or evening haha.

Another unpopular opinion (definitely unpopular in my country) I can't stand tea. Disgusting leaf water. Coffee tastes better and gives you more energy, what's not to like?
Warm submarine sandwiches (subs, heroes, hoagies, po‘boy and the other surplus names) are way better than cold ones. I don’t really like eating cold meat like bacon or ham, and I don’t know why.
I actually don't like pizza to be honest, it's too greasy for my likes. I do know actual authentic Italian pizza isn't as greasy though so I am curious to actually try it.
my unpopular opinion is i hate when people only experience one thing from a genre, like anime, and suddenly think they can attack the whole genre and go on a huge rant that is usually incorrect or comes off as being ignorant

just say you dont like the thing and move on, hating something you actually tried to get into is one thing, but hating something just because its popular or because you hated it the one time you tried it is another
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