The Unpopular Opinions thread

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I don’t even wear glasses and I think 3D isn’t really worth it, lmao. Just doesn’t seem to change the movie too much for me other than the graphics a little bit.
I don’t even wear glasses and I think 3D isn’t really worth it, lmao. Just doesn’t seem to change the movie too much for me other than the graphics a little bit.

There are different kinds of 3D. The kind where they throw stuff at you, like with one of the Spy Kids movies, and Coraline. Then you have the James Cameron way of doing things where they layer things and add subtle depth.
There are different kinds of 3D. The kind where they throw stuff at you, like with one of the Spy Kids movies, and Coraline. Then you have the James Cameron way of doing things where they layer things and add subtle depth.

Oh yeah the throwing things one is really annoying. I saw the latest PotC in 3D and it was pretty annoying ngl lol
what is number hangman

Basically hangman, but instead of guessing letters you guess numbers. Each number corresponds to the letter in what order it appears in in the alaphabet. So 1=A, 2=B, 26=Z ect... It makes hangman harder cause now you have to count out the letter's placement and decide the numbers in the answer. So if the answer is Popsicle then it would appear as
16 15 16 19 9 3 12 5
P o p s i c l e

Edit: Ah damn the formatting of the post messed up my spacing. Oh well, hopefully it gets the point across.
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1) I don?t know if this is unpopular but I don?t like it when cats sit on my lap because their claws scare me.
2) Peanut butter is DISGUSTING
3) 12 is a good number of kids to have
4) Ghosts are real (not that unpopular)
5) Spanish doesn?t sound nice
6) Modern music is not good
7) Modern fashion is horrendous
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2) Peanut butter is DISGUSTING
6) Modern music is not good
7) Modern fashion is horrendous

Yeah, modern music and fashion is even worse than the 90s tbh and even that should never come back, brr.
Also the whole Superdry/Supreme fashion trends are ugly af and I don't get the hype.
I think people that retaliate to a negative Wi-Fi rating shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet at all. If you have received a negative rating, learn from your mistake (or if you can, correct your mistake) and don’t repeat it again. Revenge ratings are illegitimate and not a good way to respond to a rating, and bullying, intimidating, and harassing other members for giving you a negative rating is at the pinnacle of bullying. That’s why I believe that these people shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet (including Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia).

There’s no recent situation that made me state this. It’s just a random thought.
I absolutely despise "youneek" spellings of normal names (made-up spellings, not cultural variants)
You may think you're being so original when you name your son Jeymez, but if you shout his name in a crowded place, multiple boys and men named James are still going to turn towards you. Even worse, he's going to spend his whole life having to correct others who will, naturally, write his name down the way they're used to.
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