I really don't like dogs, I find them so annoying, and the barking I hate that noise so much! Plus there are too many movies about dogs too! And the endless commercials with them too!
Plus I can?t completely trust all dogs, they can turn so vicious so quickly!
Android phones! Terrible, Terrible phones! My first smart phone was a android, I learned the hard way that iPhones are so much better, and easier to use, plus I don?t trust google any more. That and I prefer the App Store.
Samsung is awful brand.
Tech companies really need to care about privacy! At least Apple does!
I don?t like google.
I hate Windows OS! I find Mac OS so much easier to use!
I like Apple so much more Mico$oft! (I?ll admit that Apple isn?t always perfect though)
Social Media is very bad, and leads to many terrible things! You?ll never find me using Facebook or Twitter! (Or the rest of them)
Microsoft (or I should I say Miro$oft!) is an extremely greedy company, and make cheep, and fault products, and terrible virus prone software! Not to mention taint gaming too!
P.C. gaming is overrated, and is full of elitists!
Gaming paid online is a scam! Now Nintendo is doing it too!
Online shopping is getting to be too extreme, I miss being able to shop in stores, and malls, and being able to see the products for my self.
Selfies are stupid. (I?m probably going to get roasted for that one! Oh well! I don?t care!)
Summer is the worst season! The weather is too much! Either it?s too hot or there?s a thunderstorm happening! And to top it off my insomnia get really bad during the summer months!
Daylight savings time really need to be abolished! It?s not even necessary anymore!
I don?t like GoT at all! I find it way too violent, and terribly disturbing, plus I?m so sick and tried of hearing and reading about it everywhere!
I don?t like Frozen. In fact I still hate let it go! Such a annoying song! Let go of Let it Go!
I don?t like Fortnight.
I hate loot boxes, another thing that is running gaming!
I think cats are a billion time better than dogs. In pretty much every way!
I don?t care for Breaking Bad, way too violent for my taste.
I hate coffee, mainly because of the taste, I really hate bitter foods/drinks (yes I?ve added cream and sugar to coffee and I still find it still too bitter).
I don?t like alcohol, again a taste thing, plus I think beer smells disgusting.
I don?t really like anime, it?s not really my thing, I just watch Pok?mon every once and awhile.
I think Disney turning most of their animated movies is a bad thing. It?s ruining all the goodness of their classic animated movies!
I not into superheroes, movies, comic books ect. I found the first Avengers movie rather boring.
I deeply dislike horror movies, actually the whole horror genre, I don?t like gory things period.
Skinny jeans are dumb.
Pok?mon related things-
I really don?t like Go or Let?s Go! What?s the appeal? I found Go to be just another boring fad.
I think the 4th gen is the best gen.
Piplup, Lucario, and Shaymin are the best Pok?mon.
Aura needs to be a new type in Pok?mon
Pok?mon Platinum and Pok?mon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky are the best games!
I hate genwunners! They're stuck-up and need to take of those stupid nostalgia googles right now! Pok?mon does not revolve around the first 151 or Kanto! And speaking of things that revolve around Kanto, the Kanto pandering in the all Pok?mon games needs to stop! I hate it! All the regions (except Kanto) deserve a lot more attention in
I don't care for the 1st or 7th gens.
I?m very slowly starting to like gen 5 more these days.
Snivy is the best starter in Unova
Piplup is the best (and cutest) stater in all of Pok?mon! Period!
I hate Totodile, and it?s evolutions! I think they?re an eyesore!
I hate Garchomp so much! Worst Pok?mon ever! Too many reasons to list here!
Gen 6 was ok, but I don?t really care for mega evolutions.
The Rise of Darkrai is the best Pok?mon move; the worst: Genesect and the Legend Awakened.
I think that the first Pok?mon movie was boring, the short before the movie was highly unnecessary.
Aura Guardians would have been amazing in the games! It?s a huge shame that it was something only in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, and a few of the episodes of the series! Plus an Aura Guardians spin off! Oh the possibilities!
Pok?mon Ranger games where pretty good, (except the first one, way too frustrating!) I wish they where still a thing!
Most Pok?mon fanfics are bad, and/or poorly written. I want to write a story, but not necessarily a fanfic on day.
Animal Crossing-
Purrl is the best cat!
I have mixed feelings about Marshall, sometimes I can deal with his crazy popularity, sometime, I don?t like it.
Isabelle can get rather annoying.
I prefer T.I.Y To the T&T department store.
Pansies and lilies are best flowers. (I still like all the flowers though).
Dobie should have stayed a lazy, I?m not ok the Nintendo turned him into a cranky in the WA update. Now there?s no longer a lazy wolf!
There?s other things too, I just forgot for now.