Judging by my recent voting, I think Let?s Go Pikachu/Let?s Go Eevee is better than Pok?mon Sun/Moon and its expansion.
Um... No. Just because I think that Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon are the worst mainline Pokemon games, doesn't mean that LGP/E are better than them. In my eyes, LGP/E are a completely separate vastly inferior product to the rest of the rest of the Pokemon games made by GameFreak. It's like comparing a game in a series to a mobile counterpart. The game in the series may be exceptionally poor quality, but the mobile title will naturally be worse, just because of the really low standards that all mobile games seem to be held to (much cheaper quality, "micro"transactions, etc.).
LGP/E may not be a "micro"transaction mobile game, but the comparison still stands, because LGP/E is a very shallow, cheaply made game compared to the other mainline Pokemon games. Even the worst mainline Pokemon games look good compared to it.
Keeping on the gaming topic I'm not a huge fan of Mario games. I like a lot of the spin offs but just never enjoyed the core series.
I've enjoyed some mainline Mario games over the years, like Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. However, in general I agree. I don't really find that most Mario platformers made a big impact on me. When I think back to all of them, aside from Yoshi's Island, none of them stuck out to me at all. And the NSMB series is a complete snorefest for me. I'm not even sure I could be paid to play those games, they're so monotonous.
But when we get to spinoffs like the first two Paper Mario games and the Mario Kart games, those are some of my top favorite games. Gosh, I wish they hadn't ruined the Paper Mario series.