The Unpopular Opinions thread

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Donkey Kong may be the first game to feature Mario, and Super Mario Bros began the Mario franchise, but I felt that Super Mario 64 was the true beginning of the Mario franchise.
I want to rephase this because I don't want to sound mean or make anyone feel upset. I just think all dogs should be loved and given attention even if they're not conventionally cute. For some reason I love dogs that are unconventionally cute more and they always have big hearts.
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-Hotdogs taste terrible
-The Greatest Showman was trash
-Dark chocolate best chocolate
-I'm not thrilled about any of these Disney remakes (why take something that is timeless (animation), and give it an expiration date (CGI) (I know I know, nostalgia makes bank))

- - - Post Merge - - -

Stranger things 3 kind of sucked

agreed. I also feel like there was no reason for the show to continue past the 2nd season
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-I hate dogs. All dogs whether big or small. I have a huge phobia of them and start breathing really quickly when I see one.
-Cereal is digusting with milk on it. However, with no milk, it is delicious!
-Very early morning is by far the best part of the day and afternoons are the worst.
-Sunsets are incredibly ugly, however, sunrises are really pretty.
-A lot of vegetables I love including cucumber, capsicum, green beans, broccoli, tomato, carrot. I find they really detox my body and make me feel more alive.

I'm not really sure if these count as unpopular opinions or not but I have seen and heard several people talk about these things.
I don’t care for Persona or Danganronpa and don’t understand the appeal behind them. Don’t @ me on this.
I don’t know if this is that unpopular but I think cats are kinda scary (I still like them though) like whenever my grandmothers cat sits on me I get scared because she just massages her claws through my clothes and it feels like they’re about to go into my leg. They also look scary when their pupils get small. I still find dogs more scary though (especially big ones) I even get scared of small ones if I don’t know them. The only big dog I haven’t been scared of is my cousins which I probably only saw once a year and she’s dead now.

Seafood is nasty, I haven’t tried most so I can’t know for sure but it smells and looks so bad that I’m too scared to try it.

Blonde hair isn’t that great looking, I don’t get why people would want to dye or bleach it that. I prefer dark brown or black hair and I wish my hair was darker even though it’s dark already but I’d never dye it.
I actually dislike Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and find it to be one of my least favorite ones in the series only being more tolerable than Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (which I just hate). Also, I actually find Brawl to be the best one.

I actually like Wii Music and find it to be a good game

Sonic 06 is glitchy and unstable, but it really isn't that bad. I actually got enjoyment out of it.

Duolingo actually has improved drastically overtime with its new changes and actually makes it more helpful with learning languages

I feel like gaming and many other media lost it's glory days after like 2012, but I might just be "getting into that old man phase"
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Unpopular South Park opinions:

- Season 20 was the best season from South Park
- Seasons 14 and 15 were terrible
- I love the memberberries
I dislike phone games. (Especially Pokemon Go)
I also think Attack On Titan isn't as good as everyone hypes it to be.
I don't know if i like having to craft pretty much everything in the new switch game. Elsewhere there was a silly troll bashing these games, calling it something. In response I called these games a "hording sim".
-Politics is boring as heck
-Reddit actually sucks and the r / woosh thing isn't cool or funny

Spent a minute thinking, but that's all I can come up with for now.
The Office and Friends aren't funny at all. And I don't understand why people are so upset that they'll be leaving Netflix - there are many other means of watching them.
It'll be interesting, however, to see how Netflix does once they remove their two most popular shows.
The Office and Friends aren't funny at all. And I don't understand why people are so upset that they'll be leaving Netflix - there are many other means of watching them.
It'll be interesting, however, to see how Netflix does once they remove their two most popular shows.

Yeah I don't get Friends either.. and I'm a 90s kid so yeah lol.

Office is.. alright but overrated as **** lol
I don’t really care for media where every other word is an f bomb. Idk it just kind of says to me “I want to seem cool and ‘mature’ but I can’t be bothered to write dialogue that’s actually interesting.”
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