Star Wars: A New Hope is an overrated movie, average at best, and does not deserve the hype it gets.
Metal is the only music genre that actually sucks no matter the song
Country music perfectly fits that description for me.
I don’t like Taylor Swift or her music (more specifically, You Belong to Me).
for most of it yes. also a lot of hiphop/rnb cause they for me have the same annoying beats. i get you wanna get social injustice out but your tunes aint making it. same with like all pop music, it's either rnb beats or people trying to be artsy in a bad way.
Star Wars: A New Hope is an overrated movie, average at best, and does not deserve the hype it gets.
I hate Starbucks.
Not necessarily the quality of their coffee, which I've tried once or twice in my entire life and forgotten about, but the company itself. Here in the state of Washington, you'll find a Starbucks on what seems like nearly every corner. It's even worse than McDonald's.
And if you want to overpay for a cup of coffee, why not just go to an artisan shop?
I think that football is insanely overrated and the most boring sport to watch.
I don't get the hype around the worldcup. The people where going crazy here
in France when they won. I was half dying from all that people, lol.
Maybe an unpopular opinion (or not), but I don't like how Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokemon designs look. They all look like what I'd expect beta Pokemon to look like. To me, most of the new Pokemon look uninteresting or hastily made and hastily approved/lazily made. The concept of giant pokemon doesn't interest me, so in short, this may be the first pokemon game I skip besides pokemon let's go eevee and pikachu.
Speaking of pokemon LGP&E, I couldn't support a game that locked mew behind a 50-70 dollar paywall. nope. Besides that, I've seen plays of it being way too easy for my tastes.
I agree that $50 for one Pok?mon is excessive (heck, even $5 for a shiny Mew that always has 6 perfect IVs is too much), but if you’re only going to spend it just for Mew, you’re missing the point. The Mew is only a secondary bonus. The purpose of the Pok? Ball Plus is to experience what it’s like to catch Pok?mon in real life. It functions like an actual controller, and when you catch Pok?mon, it feels line you’re throwing an actual Pok? Ball. Even still, $50 is too much for that. It should be like $30.
But if there’s any reason to skip the game, it would have to be that it’s another Kanto remake, and it has Pok?mon Go mechanics. I actually like the game, but I understand why people weren’t happy with it. We don’t need another Kanto remake, and to replace a mainstay Pok?mon mechanic with Pok?mon Go mechanics is heresy itself. Add to that, it may be another Kanto remake, but they took out the gambling games and replaced it with arcade games you can’t even play (which makes the Game Corner obsolete), they added gym requirements, and you have no bike riding. It’s not really a Kanto remake if not all of the Kanto features are there. And if you want all modern mechanics, they don’t have Pok?mon breeding, Day and Night, weather moves, or abilities. Taking all that out is a huge step back. You’ll be missing a lot if you skipped Pok?mon Sun and Moon (or Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon), but you won’t be missing anything if you skipped Pok?mon Let’s Go. The only thing it did right is that we could go back to Kanto with the modern mechanics (including unlimited TMs).
It’s not an unpopular opinion to say that Sword and Shield is gonna suck. But it is an unpopular opinion to not like the new legendary Pok?mon because of their designs. But I do have to agree with you on this. In fact, the box cover legendary Pok?mon designs started sucking since Black and White. They’re making it too much like the titles than something creative. Sword and Shield really did a bad job on this. But it’s not just legendary Pok?mon that don’t look as good as they used to. Mythical Pok?mon too. In my opinion, Magearna and Diancie are the worst mythicals, while Mew and Celebi are the best.
I'm also all Khanto'd out. I'm personally tired of most movies or games that keep milking the past until you lose whatever nostalgic value you had for it. I don't mind remakes once in a blue moon, unless it keeps on the same theme: Khanto, Khanto, Khanto, Khanto... - _ -