As a classical music student, same.
Oh? I'm interested in hearing (er... reading) your opinion on the matter! Most classical music people are just huge on composers like Mahler, R. Schumann, Brahms, Mendelssohn, etc. and I'm just kind of like "Eh...". There's greatness in romanticism as there is everywhere else (I tend to like Tchaikovsky and Dvorak), but most of it just does nothing for me. I've seen someone describe it as "too bombastic" and they actually really put into words what I could never before.
Also, what kind of classical music student are you? I'm interested because I'm going for Musicology.
I still have that PM (thanks super gold mailbox). And I see why it?s such a big deal. I know you hate the gameplay and the region, I?m just wondering if the new species and their stats were a problem.
Now if you did have to pick what generation was the best or worst solely based on the species (which includes stats, movepool, abilities, and designs), what would be the best, and what would be the worst? That?s where I think the 7th Generation is the winner and the 3rd Generation is in last place.
I am a casual gamer. I don't care about stats, abilities, and that stuff besides what is so blatant that it effects playing through the main story of the game.
As I'm pretty sure I said in that PM, I'm not sure what was going on in Sun. The rival was always super easy to beat with laughable AI, but then you get to some other (important) trainers and they are super hard. Those battles made my Pokemon feel weaker than ever before in the series. Like Surf was a super powerful move in the past Pokemon games, but in Gen VII for some reason it was less effective not one-shotting Pokemon so commonly like it did in previous games. Sun felt so inconsistent to me in difficulty. That made it frustrating.
As for designs, I'm not even saying that Generation VII is the worst in that department. I think it has some really bad designs like Incineroar, but every single generation has bad designs, so I have a hard time ranking them. Although I think in the end my favorite generations Pokemon design-wise are Gen V and II. Funny as I don't even base Pokemon designs on whether I like a generation or not, but those two generations are typically what I call my most favorite.
As for stuff like Wii u ports, NES homage etc, I believe the NES games, Wii U games, or any other games like that, they were only good for their platforms, not the Switch. If the parent system is done, those games are done. Even if the parent system was a failure.
Well, I'm not that strict in my thinking. In all honesty, having a bunch of the games I love on the Switch is an advantage, because it plays games so well in handheld mode, making it highly desirable to play/replay games when I wouldn't have done it otherwise. This is why I think the Switch not having Virtual Console is a terrible thing.
What I have a problem with is when a system is
leaning on ports, which the Switch has done a lot of. It's biggest game out the door was a game designed for the Wii U, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. And big Switch fans oftentimes have a long list of these ports that they're playing all of the time and when they see someone like me who is thinking that the Switch doesn't really have much to offer for its own they think I hate Nintendo and "What games DO you even like?". Most of the games that are propping up the Switch I've already played and loved on the Wii U and PS4.
Now the Switch has Super Mario Odyssey and Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The other Nintendo Switch exclusives have been either outside of my interest (Splatoon 2), not too exciting (Mario Tennis Aces, Kirby), or...bad (Pokemon LGP/E).
2019 promises Animal Crossing and a real Pokemon release. We shall see.