The Unpopular Opinions thread

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- People who bring up their gender issue/sexuality to identify themselves are annoying.
You are okay as lesbian.
You are okay as gay.
You are okay as trans.
You are okay as non-binary.
Your sexuality is nothing special, and unfairness is nothing special, so don't speak it out loud, please.

I was (and still am) good friends with a guy for about 6 months before I knew he was gay. It wasn't even him that told me, a mutual friend revealed it during a conversation thinking I already knew. It just never came up in conversation otherwise and he didn't make an effort to shoehorn it into one.
Like unless I plan to date you I don't care what you are really. If you have preferred pronouns tell me and we're done.
Love you Sheila, hahahaha!

I was (and still am) good friends with a guy for about 6 months before I knew he was gay. It wasn't even him that told me, a mutual friend revealed it during a conversation thinking I already knew. It just never came up in conversation otherwise and he didn't make an effort to shoehorn it into one.
Your said friend must be a person with good sense. And I think that's the normal sensible behavior.
I'm not hetero either, and I don't bother telling about it publicly or each time I meet someone - not hiding or anything, I just don't feel the need for it. My friends are fond of me not because I'm gay or hetero. They like me for how I am, I believe. Like you're friends with said guy because you like him and vice versa.
My sexuality only matters to a person who's gonna be in a romantic/sexual relationship with me and no one else besides myself, like Sheila's post above says it all.
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^same yuki!

And yeah it's okay to be gay, trans, queer or whatever you define as but please don't shove it down my throat everyday. And yeah of course it's okay talk about it but honestly if you do it 24*7 iiiit's a bit annoying. also you're making yourself and community look bad.

and ig i define myself as bi/pan and such but i don't go shout it out loud every time i talk to strangers/friends and if ppl define me from that or dislike it they can go burn.
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I forgot one.. I like low cut jeans 8)
I forgot one.. I like low cut jeans 8)

that's defo unpopular with me haha. personally only time i care for butts it's if ppl are naked and we woohoo you know lol.

anyways, people who do things just because it's trendy or "who does x in 2019" etc. and can't think for themselves/doesn't read up on things. like, don't go vegan/vegetarian because it's "with the times" or ppl would think you suck because of it. read up properly on what stuff you need to eat and take to stay healthy and make your own decision.

Also when people ahte on (white) cis straight ppl. Like you don't know what other difficulties they might have and yet you claim they have privileges and are superiors etc. etc.
Yeessss, the "who does x in 2019" really gets on my nerve!
It’s bad to bring up anything to identify yourself, not just sexuality or gender identity.
Eh if it's that area it can be quite annoying because they do it all the time but if you mean like subcultures I don't mind.
Both true.

But what's weird bout those sexuality statement stuff is, 'cause we all have/get some kind of difficulty, but we don't say it out loud each time. Like, for example, I was in physical/sexual abuse in my childhood, and it did give me so much difficulty then and afterwards, both physically and mentally, but I don't put those stuff to say hello to people, like,

"Hello nice people! I'm a survivor of horrific violence! I'm proud of being a survivor and grateful of a member of amazing community!"

It does look... silly.
It's not only gender/sexuality minorities who has difficulty. Yet they say it out loud so often, it looks weird in my eyes, really. :c
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and yeah i've aspergers and i got somewhat mentally abused when i was a kid but i don't let that define me too much and i don't write it around unless it's a serious discussion about it.
"Hello nice people! I'm a survivor of horrific violence! I'm proud of being a survivor and grateful of a member of amazing community!":c

that's a terrible thing to say, my day comes to an abrupt halt just thinking about it. there's literally violence being shoved in my face. ...hold on, something's up

okay, i bet people who don't identify themselves sure are fun at parties. wait, what

let me try this again. the only way to really know yourself is to not name yourself. huh?

okay something doesn't seem right


i never had a fondness for the late silver and early bronze age comics like most dorks my age point to as "before they were ruined." the writing since the mid-2000s is markedly more competent.
I don't believe you should stand up for what you believe. I believe you should stand up for what is smart.
I think soda is disgusting.
I’ve always loved cartoons but have never been fond of anime.
Jambette is my favorite villager.
I think Social Media is voluntary invasion of privacy and very dangerous in many ways especially when you are with the wrong crowd and don't keep a realistic perspective.

Reason behind my opinion:
Due to being educated in computer science along with being familiar with how websites/databases and machine learning work, it is absolutely scary what power these companies have at their disposal and what sort of information they have access to (which could possibly be seized and abused by government or malicious individuals/entities)! :eek: I also think social media causes a lot negative viewpoints and emotions for people because they typically only see the good stuff posted on social media which makes them feel/think that there not doing something right/having false impression about themselves even though realistically speaking everyone has a lot of the same life issues you do!
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holidays suck

i don't like christmas

i don't like halloween

i don't like easter

but i'll always say "happy halloween/easter" or "merry christmas" because even though they aren't enjoyable for me anymore they definitely are for others, i've learned to appreciate that over time.

i prefer keeping busy, keeps my mind off things and i tend to overthink everything to death so the holidays just grant more time for that.
I think Social Media is voluntary invasion of privacy and very dangerous in many ways especially when you are with the wrong crowd and don't keep a realistic perspective.

Yes, I completely agree. I dislike social media and avoid it for the most part. Occasionally joining forums like these for specific interests is the closest I get, and even then I keep my identifying info private.

A few more of my unpopular opinions:

- I'm a female who doesn't like the color pink. I used to really hate it, but I've become slightly more tolerant of it lately. But I can still only take it in small doses.

- I can't stand ketchup. It doesn't taste good to me at all and actually turns my stomach.

- I also don't like pepperoni pizza. There are so many better toppings. Pepperoni is at the bottom of my list, just above pineapple...but that's a discussion for another thread. ;)
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