The Unpopular Opinions thread

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-Fortnite is trash
-I hate Marvel, DC, and Star Wars
-Today's music is garbage (well, what society calls 'real music anyway, since I like today's video game music)
-I despise LoZ BOTW
-K-Pop is horrible
-Pearl from Splatoon is better, I could care less about Marina
-I prefer my cereal soggy (not as soggy as people might think)
-Gamecube is the best Nintendo console
-Xbox and Playstation have horrible games, PC has an ok library though
-I prefer Early 2000's
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-Fortnite is trash
-I hate Marvel, DC, and Star Wars
-Today's music is garbage (well, what society calls 'real music anyway, since I like today's video game music)
-I despise LoZ BOTW
-K-Pop is horrible
-Pearl from Splatoon is better, I could care less about Marina
-I prefer my cereal soggy (not as soggy as people might think)
-Gamecube is the best Nintendo console
-Xbox and Playstation have horrible games, PC has an ok library though
-I prefer Early 2000's

You prefer early 2000s what?
I only like peanut butter cooked with rice, for anything else the taste is just too intense for me.
I only like peanut butter cooked with rice, for anything else the taste is just too intense for me.

That sounds pretty gross. But I have my fair share of weird food combinations, like ketchup on eggs or ranch on sandwiches.
That sounds pretty gross. But I have my fair share of weird food combinations, like ketchup on eggs or ranch on sandwiches.

A caferteria had that once as their vegeterian option and I didn't like the meat option, so I just tried that instead. It does sound weird, but it tastes pretty good. Not sure how it's done, but it definitely doesn't taste sweet. Just rice with a sauce that tastes like peanuts (and other stuff).
And here I gooooo

Cinnamon is absolutely disgusting
Tea of all types is also gross (boba tea included)
Baked fruits in almost any food is a sin
The older animal crossings (WW, CF) felt more like animal crossing than the newer ones
TTing is not cheating
Tumblr is a great platform for memes and art
The Legend of Zelda series is boring
Oblivion is the worst modern Elder Scrolls and Skyrim is better than Morrowind
Orange is the best color
Star Wars was never good
Marvel films are boring
Quentin Tarantino is a bad director and Pulp Fiction especially sucks
Discussion of gay/trans people is not inherently political
Cancel culture is terrible
Just because you feel you have it worse off does not mean other people’s feelings aren’t valid and they aren’t struggling. If you pull the “privilege” card on someone suffering to minimize their real feelings or accomplishments you are an awful person.

Wooo thanks, feel better now lol
A caferteria had that once as their vegeterian option and I didn't like the meat option, so I just tried that instead. It does sound weird, but it tastes pretty good. Not sure how it's done, but it definitely doesn't taste sweet. Just rice with a sauce that tastes like peanuts (and other stuff).
I loooove this dish my bf and I make. It's tofu veggies in peanut sauce. So it's basically a stir fry but the sauce is made with peanut butter, molasses, water, soy sauce and lemon juice. 10/10 would recommend!
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That sounds pretty gross. But I have my fair share of weird food combinations, like ketchup on eggs or ranch on sandwiches.
Okay ketchup on eggs is totally normal I thought. I've been getting weird looks lately when I do it but I don't understand the hate lol
rapid fire let's go!!!

every single color is good. every one. doin digital art for years has made me learn to appreciate every hue, shade and tint. even if a color is "ugly" it can be used to create a unique mood.
people say not to use oversaturated colors in art. but i LOVE neons. i understand why people don't like eyestrain art and it is pretty hard to apply neon colors in a way that is not pure assault on the eyes. but once you learn? neons are SO fun. i love love love bright eye searing colors and when applied correctly you can make art that just radiates pure fun energy
i'm an extremely picky person. i don't like coffee nor tea as well as a hundred other commonly-liked foods i will not list
my feelings on cancel culture are very mixed: on one hand, i feel people largely underestimate how quickly people can change in short amounts of time. i cringe at things i said and did a mere few months ago. sometimes you do things without thinking and regret them immediately afterwards. trying to cancel people over things they said years ago, regardless of wether they were old enough to "know better" or not is absurd to me. you can completely forget you said certain things n wake up one day and oh no! it's over!! there's obvious exceptions to this rule, bigger things like ongoing abuse and assault (emotional, physical or sexual), cheating on a partner etc. just because you were able to hide it from the public long enough to ""change"" doesn't mean you shouldn't go without consequence. but one off distasteful jokes or comments shouldn't be treated the same way
however, i don't think cancel culture is as big of this Awful Looming Threat everyone makes it out to be. some people make it out like "oooo you could be cancelled at any moment for something minor!" but the only effective cancellations i've seen were from people that were proven to be legitimately awful, like abusive parents getting their kids taken away by cps or people actively engaging in zoophilia/sadism with real animals getting thrown into jail, and even then, not everyone gets caught by police and some of the worst offenders still have active, unquestioned presences on the internet, are allowed at big social events like cons etc. but with everything below the worst of the worst, from what i've seen, all "cancellations" of a big internet icon have lasted a month at absolute most, then people forget all about it and the subject in question comes back like nothing happened. i know the drama is an inconvenience, but i've never seen it completely chase someone off the internet, but feel free to prove me wrong if anyone has any examples that aren't coming to my mind

i guess to sum up, while cancel culture isn't as big of a threat as people make it seem like it is, it's still a sad waste of time to target people for speaking out of turn years prior. if you're a good person, you have no reason to worry about the long term effects of a cancellation
Milk goes before cereal.
and then to make things worse, i heat the milk up so it's not cold :devilish: yes i actually eat my cereal like that. I hate milk so that's the only way I can stand to eat it
a popular unpopular opinion seems to be disliking rap, so here's my personal take: i actually like how a lot of rap sounds, but the lyrics of a lot of it make it really hard for me to take seriously. i hear a dude brag song after song about all the money and women and fame he gets and i think ah yeah! oh, i'm sure. good for you, buddy. alright. alright, that's enough. come on now.
I feel like a lot of people these days have a "group think" mentality and don't think for themselves. Just because you hear about something a lot, doesn't mean it's true. Just because a post on social media has 100k+ Likes, doesn't mean it's true. People need to look into things for themselves and do research rather than believing everything they hear. 🐏🐏🐏
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