The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Does anyone have the villagers in my signature? :'(
Wow so many Flurry & Merengue lovers here! Unfortunately I don't plan to ever let my Flurry go since she's so adorable and was one of my starters. Merengue, on the other hand, I think I'll give to someone who really wants her once I get her picture (maybe earlier if it takes too long). I'm just not sure what's the best way to decide who to give her too though. :confused:
I almost TT'd away from Merengue today xD
I got told she was really popular though, so I invited her to stay in hopes i could trade her for a dreamie

Ill make a note, and if she wants to move maybe we can work something out?

I'm paying 500k for any/each of my dreamies! uwu

Can also check my catalogue here if you'd want anything. Note that I've listed everything and some stuff isn't orderable so don't follow it exactly.. I do have a lot of the non-orderable Gracie sctuff though.
Wow so many Flurry & Merengue lovers here! Unfortunately I don't plan to ever let my Flurry go since she's so adorable and was one of my starters. Merengue, on the other hand, I think I'll give to someone who really wants her once I get her picture (maybe earlier if it takes too long). I'm just not sure what's the best way to decide who to give her too though. :confused:

raffe? first come first serve? those are the only ways I can think of atm :3
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I have CamoFrog in my camp,
Any takers?
Just putting this out there incase anyone wants her :p
But my villager Friga is moving out tomorrow!
Free of charge as long as she goes to a loving home!
Cause after she said she be moving out i started to care for her lol!
If anyone has any of my dreamies, I'd love to give them a happy home in Gethin! And it'd allow me to give away some of my other totally cool neighbors, too! Win/win! :3
Finally have a place for Sydney in my town. If anyone has her and would be willing to let her go, please let me know!
My TT village doesn't have many good ones...except maybe Purrl. If no one ends up wanting her when she moves I think after I migrate my dreamies from Tock I'm gonna reset it |:

Anyway, I'm looking for the last three in my sig, but they're very popular so I know I'll have to be patient!
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