The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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I enjoy baking, my favorite color is pink, and whipped cream from scratch is awesome. And she's adorable. And makes me think of a character from Kirby @-@ (I also went to culinary school so yay for chef outfit)

But yeah, I'm sure everyone has their reasons.

for the heck of it:
Flurry - She reminds me of Bijou and I absolutely adore hamsters (plus, I have a good friend who goes by Flurry and gave me a lovely white Flurry Bear that was an exclusive in one of the stores up in Canada at the time yeeeears ago--super super special to me)

Diana - I think deers are just adorable and she's essentially all my favorite colors.

Maple - One of the villagers I had in my Gamecube town--I've always made sure to get her back (Along with Cookie and Peanut) as I adored her.

Marina - One of the villagers I started with in Wild World and became added to the "MUST ALWAYS GET" list. My favorite color is pink and Marina is my favorite female name and she's just so cute.

Molly - I just thought she was super cute and I think the new duck mold is really nice and she just made me go OMGIWANTONE. I had a pet duck at one point, but I'm going to end it there since the story is sad and I don't like to think of it much more than that. I will say they are adorable to have though and so cute and T~T <3

Also, if not obvious from my list (and character), I really like that kind of eye style XD

Anyway, I just want to say something real quick... I've been seeing a lot of things like (WILL OFFER # for NAME) and...the point of this thread is a giveaway thread so EVERYONE who loves that villager gets a chance =( I mean, regardless of whether or not I have things I can offer, I've been doing my best to not mention things like that because I know there's other people who also love and want the ones I am looking for and may not be able to offer anything.

It just seems it kind of ruins the point if you're bribing the villager away/trying to IMO. Sorry if this offends anyone ._.

Kind of ironic Merengue and Flurry were both my starters. I let Merengue move.... should've given her to someone who wanted her ;-;
I think some people are just trying to let others know who they have as far as giving away, and it could be mistake for trying to trade.
But yea I agree the people who do it intentionally should take it to another thread.

I don't think saying you can offer bells/rare items/sets for certain villagers can be mistaken as much else :p I know some people list who they have that they are planning to get rid of and that is different
I am looking for ED the horse! If you see him being given away please please PLEASE let me know! Searching this thread for his name comes up with too many results!
I am looking desperately for Kiki<3 If anyone has her moving, please let me know.

My story about Kiki-
I started playing ACPG when I was 6 or 7 years old. So I can't recall things like the name of my first town, or even all of my original villagers. But I remember Kiki. I remember tapping my foot at school impatiently, wanting more than anything to race home and play Animal Crossing Population Growing. And when that time came, I literally raced down the stairs into my basement, which was were we had our GameCube set up. I'd always have a silly grin on my face while I played in my sweet village. AC was my escape when my parents fought. AC was my imagination come to life. Heck, AC was my teacher, really. I learned so many skills from this game. Reading skills, patience, generosity, thoughtfulness.. The list goes on. I remember my favorite thing to do in the entire game was to talk to my neighbors. They had such colorful, hilarious personalities that amused the 6 or 7 year-old-me very well. I remember not wanting to do tasks for the crankies, because they'd always yell and complain. But the villager I loved talking to most was Kiki. She was one of my legit originals, she lived in the town before I did. And she always had a smile on her face, and something kind to say to me. I know it sounds crazy, but I actually started to believe that she was my 'friend'. I've never had very many friends in real life, especially ones who were nice, so it was so amazing for me to have found Kiki. Years went by and she still remained in my town. She never, ever moved out. Eventually, we replaced the GameCube with a Wii. One day, I came home to one of my brothers seeming upset. I asked what was wrong, and he said while he was making room for more memory in the Wii, he deleted my Animal Crossing data. I cried that entire day. I didn't care much if my village was lost, or the crankies, or even my house. I just was heartbroken that I'd never see Kiki again.

Since then, I have yet to see her anywhere. Not in WW, not in CF, not in NL, and not even in a friends town.

So if anyone has her, and is giving her away, or even trading her, please let me know. I'd be forever grateful.

(My apologies if things like this aren't aloud on the thread. I wasn't sure whether to post it on this one or the Exchange one)
Peaches is in my campsite. Let me know if you are interested/if you have someone to trade.

Looking for Dotty, Purrl, Tangy, Goldie, Rudy or Rosie? I really want them. ;u;
If you have them and you're willing to give one of them to me I will love you forever.
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