The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Biff, from the town of Juban, is packed up and ready to move!

Those who have this animal as a dream villager will be a priority.


The current villagers of Juban

To Give Away:


To Raffle off:


I do NOT take reservations for animals!

Oh my gosh is Static still available?
Twiggy is on her way to a lovely new town now!

For the campsite trick do I just change the date on my ds and keep recreating a new character to check my campsite? Or do I have to keep changing the date? n.n
Twiggy is on her way to a lovely new town now!

For the campsite trick do I just change the date on my ds and keep recreating a new character to check my campsite? Or do I have to keep changing the date? n.n

Just have to change the date once
You don't need to change the date. As long is it's a new day (you haven't gone on an existing character yet) then all you have to do is create a new one and keep resetting till you get a campsite/someone you want in the campsite. If you get someone you want, you create a house, save, get on an existing character and convince them to move in. If you have already been on an existing character today though, you have to change the date to tomorrow I think. :3
Anyone want a smug, flirty lion named Lionel in their town? c:

niftypants does. I'm planning on trading with him when Lionel wants to move, but you should ask if they want him now. Cause I'm totally fine keeping my Lionel for a while longer.
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