The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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I am looking for the following kitties:
~ Mitzi
~ Olivia
~ Tom
~ Punchy
~ Rosie
~ Kiki

I am also looking for Kyle, but he is a lower priority as he is my next reset target whenever I can get Rodney then Vic to move from Amaya.


My husband's town got a move trigger, Becky.


I will be TTing to get her out, so please send me a PM if you're interested in this snooty Chicken.
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Desperately looking for Lyman and Alice! Also looking for Eugene and Punchy!
So Friga decided to just get up and leave last night without packing or telling me. I woke up with a letter in my mailbox saying that she just had to leave and it had her picture. I'm so upset cause she was like my favourite villager. Someone said that you need to get though 16 other villagers in order to get that villager back? If so that could be a while seeing as it's been a month of trying to get Hazel and Broccolo... If anyone could get Gwen for me? I really like Penguins and I assume that another snooty penguin would be close to the same personality.
Bonbon is packed up and ready to leave! Someone please take her. She's lovely and chocolatey and adorable. She's been a great friend to me and she deserves a happy home!
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