The villagers you want... just not enough

Honestly I have a lot that I just want, but don't have room for or don't fit my island theme.


Just some that come to mind
A few off the top of my head are: Cookie, Goldie, Marina, Audie, Beau, Bea, Carmen... There are probably a lot more. But since I have pretty much filled up my island with villagers I wouldn't want to let go in fear of not getting them back, I wouldn't want to replace anyone...
Oh my goodness there are so many villagers that I want! The 10 villager limit and my hesitation to let villagers move out is such a hassle, lol.

-I want to eventually let Lolly and Kiki move out because the normal villagers are definitely my favourite as a whole. I absolutely adore Molly's design and I want her on my island so much! Same goes for little Flurry, she is so cute 😭 My favourite season is winter and she's a little snowball! I need her one day. Fauna is also adorable and I'd love to have her, too!

-Lazies are another big favourite, at least design wise, for me. This is tricky because I currently have Egbert and I don't really plan on letting him go but my other lazy is Sherb and I love him to pieces too. I think eventually I'll let Sherb go (not until I get his picture though) because I would really love to have Erik in my town! He is such a cutie. 🥺

-I'm a sucker for the smug villagers as well! I've had Colton and Raymond on my island but they've both moved on. I invited Marshal to move in the other day so I'll have him for the foreseeable future but I do also really enjoy Shep and Henry's deisgns so I'd love to have them one day as well.

I can't think of any other villagers off the top of my head that I really want. I have Whitney & Diana at the moment and they're probably my favourite snooties. Peppy, cranky, jock, and sisterly don't have any standout favourites, either! I have Rudy and Murphy at the moment who I absolutely love and Rudy just moved in so I don't see him going anywhere anytime soon. I let Phoebe move away and I honestly don't enjoy the sisterly personality tons but if I do have one move back in it'll likely be Shari! The peppy villagers have a really cute personality overall and I currently have Gabi but like the others I don't know a lot of peppies off the top of my head so I'm not super particular about them, either.
-Lazies are another big favourite, at least design wise, for me. This is tricky because I currently have Egbert and I don't really plan on letting him go but my other lazy is Sherb and I love him to pieces too. I think eventually I'll let Sherb go (not until I get his picture though) because I would really love to have Erik in my town! He is such a cutie. 🥺
Egbert and sherb are actually my 2 lazys as well!
I thought long and hard over it and decided neither can ever leave my island
Theyre both far too precious to me
Egbert and sherb are actually my 2 lazys as well!
I thought long and hard over it and decided neither can ever leave my island
Theyre both far too precious to me

Ahh look at that! Lazy villager twins 🥰 I absolutely adore Egbert and I actually squealed when I saw him on a mystery island a while ago, lol! I knew it was fate and I really don't think I'll ever let him go, despite having his photo. Sherb is a little trickier because I also love him and I know he's difficult to get since he doesn't have an amiibo card yet. Part of me wants to hold onto him just because if I let him go I'm not sure when I'd be able to get him back but... there are so many cute lazies 😭 Honestly I'll probably have him for a while yet especially because he is so darn cute in the winter! He looks adorable with the snow and has the cutest sweaters.
Kiki was on almost all of my old towns, there are just so many new villagers that I have to choose from which makes it harder and harder every game haha.
I would really like to have Prince on my island, but I just don't see that happening. He is such an adoable lil green frog and would be so cute with puddles! I would also like to get another gorilla villager, that's more likely than prince but I guess it depends on who I see island hopping and/or who I see up for sale in boxes.
I think for me it'd be Fuschia! I do really like her, especially since I'm not a huge fan of many of the other sisterly villagers, but since I already have Deirdre (also sisterly and also a deer) I don't want to get both of them
There are always so many cuties that i want to have on my island. Which is why I switch out my theme so that I can also switch out my villagers and get some villagers that I have really being wanting. I'm 95% done with my current theme, so I am almost ready to get some new babies and I'm very excited. Some villagers that I can think of off the top of my head that I want are:

- Pekoe
- Chai
- Julia
- Audie (already had her, but I love her)
- Antonio
- Leonardo
- Lucy
- Punchy
- Stitches
- Whitney

Most of these villagers are who i'm going to get for my next theme.
i have quite a few, so i've recently decided i'm gonna get all the amiibo cards of the villagers i like so i can swap them out freely but not "lose" any of my current villagers.

right now i've really been pining for olivia, marshal, ellie, scoot and groucho.
I just met Henry on a dream island and I thought he was super adorable. If it weren't for the fact I already have two smug villagers I'd love to have him on my island but I can't see myself getting rid of Marshal or Julian. If they ever added extra villager plots I'd def invite him over asap.
There are a lot of villagers that I've had which I've really liked but have ended up letting go to make way for other villagers;

  • Marshall - had both him and Raymond and had decided to just have one smug so reluctantly let him go, though after a long time of not having him now I'm aiming to get him back
  • Erik - really love him but at the time I had Sherb and Beau as well and didn't want 3 lazy villagers, currently I only have Sherb so there is potentially a space for Erik to return
  • Bea, Goldie, Chèvre, Nan, Maple and Poppy - some of my favourite normal villagers and thought they were all really sweet but already have Fauna and Molly
  • Bunnie - my favourite rabbit villager and my permanent peppy but I regretted letting Rosie go so I swapped them back over
  • Whitney and Kyle - I really love all the wolf villagers but there isn't room on the island to fit them all in with my other villagers so the only definite permanent one is Wolfgang so I had to reluctantly let these two go, a problem I'll likely have with Vivian and Freya once I find them
  • Peanut - currently on my island and was my favourite villager in WW, still really like her but not as much as some others so she is going to be replaced

Also Sprinkle, Roald, Sydney, Ozzie, Ellie, Zell, Claude, Kidd and Pekoe who are some of the villagers I've come across island hopping who I've been really tempted to take but have left.
For me, it's Mira. Love that she's related to Sailor Venus and she has a pretty cool design. I have her in my New Leaf town but I chose to keep Marshal in the end. If we could have 12 villagers, I would also move in Lucky. Never really thought of him as a dreamie but we share a bday and I don't have any dogs on my island even though I adore them.

She has one of my favourite designs ever, and I had her in New Leaf. I actually really want her on my island, problem is I really love Normal villager designs but I still want all the personality types on my island. I just swapped Pekoe for Étoile & I don't know who I could switch her with. Gah we need more villager plots!
Oef I have quiet a lot! But I'm so attached to my current villagers.. I don't want to keep all of them forever, but I also don't know how to let one of them go...

The villagers I would also love on my island:
- Bruce
- Kabuki
- Molly
- Ketchup
- Fauna
- Erik
- Doby
- Dom
- Genji
- Merry

And there are probably many more lol
Pietro and Olaf. I already have 3 Smugs on my island. Having one more would be too much. Then, there's Tia. She's so cute and has my favorite color scheme of blue, yellow and white; but I already have 2 Normal villagers that I'm happy with.
I have amiibo cards for Maple, Beau and Punchy but have had to kick them out for other villagers. I would love to have them back!!

I also need a sisterly as that’s the only personality type I’m missing, so would love space to invite Pahsmina. She’s come to my campsite and I’ve met her on mystery islands a few times, but it’s never been the right moment to invite her.
Felicity, Filbert, Peanut,

I'm pretty satisfied with my current set of villagers, I really have attachments to all of them.

But I wouldn't mind having Felicity, I think shes super cute, and would really like her. But, I dont think I'll be switching anyone out for her. Maybe in the future I will.

I want Filbert, Ive tried him soo many times on my island, but it just hasn't worked out. I really would love to have him, but I don't know if it'll be in this game.

Peanut. Gosh I love Peanut, I had her before and shes soo very cute! I love her design, everything about her. She was very hard to say good bye to. But I dont think she would fit in, or if I love her enough to switch out someone.
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Lyman - I had him on my island long enough to get his photo and god is he adorable. But I've already picked Sterling to have an actual role on my island and he'd be the third koala when my goal was to avoid repeat species.

Olivia - Would be the third repeat species if I go through with Raymond. Definitely top of the list for the next game.

Wade - Maybe when I run out of lazy frogs. Right now I can't imagine my lazy NOT being a frog.

Ruby - The eternal runner up to all the other peppies that always appeal to me just a little bit more.

Pashmina - Already settled on Fuchsia for story and house exterior reason. But next time.

Probably a whole lot of normals because there are so many great normals in this game.