The villagers you want... just not enough

For me it’s Fauna. I have way too many normals and I prefer villagers with a pastel colour scheme (Melba, Lily, Lolly, Etoile). So unfortunately even though I love her, I think 5 normals would be a bit much.
Etoile, mainly because I refuse to have more than two normals on my island. I can't see myself letting Fauna or June go anywhere, I just like them too much. I'm presently on the fence about Dom, who someone is holding for me while I decide what to do. I have three smugs at the moment: Marshal, Julian, and Raymond. Their repeated dialogue is getting tiresome and I feel I could really do with a fresh personality I haven't had in ages. However, the only one I'm really willing to give up is Raymond and even then not really. I like having him around and think he's a really cool villager. I wish I could make up my mind lol.
I've been luck enough to get just about all of the cards for the villagers that I've wanted on my island. In the past year I've had right at 62 villagers. Majority have been card invites, but was lucky enough to find Lucky, Apollo, and Tia on a Mystery Island.

Don't care to much about what villagers people think are popular, its more about if I enjoy having them on my island and what type of interaction I enjoy. Snooty, Cranky, Smug, and Lazy villagers I like. Jock & Normal usually get replaced quickly.

So take this for what its worth, my top 10 that have lived on my island are
Walt, Apollo, Tiffany, Marshal, Drago, Agnes, Lucky, Fauna, Opal, and Sydney.
Im looking for Lionel, oddly enough. Lol
But I think hes really cool CD

If anyone has him, let me know, i can definitely trade Hazel or Portia for him
So, to set the stage, my island is named Poveglia (Poveglia is an actual island in Italy's Venetian Lagoon) and its theme is world history and culture. I chose the name because I didn't (and still don't) have any other ideas for what to name the island, as well as because it was used as a quarantine zone for people suffering the bubonic plague and is purportedly haunted. The whole quarantine thing seemed timely considering, when the game released, the COVID-19 situation was really becoming the worldwide pandemic we know today, and given my username you can probably guess that the whole haunted reputation appealed to me.

The animal residents are Ankha (Ancient Egypt), Annalisa (plague doctor), Bella (plague rat), Diva (also Ancient Egypt, there aren't that many Sisterly villagers that fit okay? lol), Kabuki (Japan), Klaus (Ancient Rome), Pekoe (China), Ribbot (the future), Tucker (prehistory), and Vic (Scandinavian vikings).

The human residents include representatives from China, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, the Middle East, Russia, and the United States of America.

All that said, I'm planning to replace Diva with Paula as my Sisterly and also I intend to get rid of Kabuki to make room for Olaf to represent Spain, since both Diva and Kabuki are redundant.

Now, to get to the main topic at hand here.

For a long while I've really wanted to bring Dobie into the fold because his elderly design is really cool and his house's interior design makes me think of him as a historian. It seems like a great fit, but I don't know that I really want to replace anyone with him. I also decided to make one of my human residents a professor, including having a library in their house, so it makes Dobie fall by the wayside.

I've also, as of late, been really interested in Savannah. I love everything about her; her character design is cool and both the exterior and interior of her house compliment her extremely well. I'd also been considering her as just a representative of the (non-Ancient Egypt) African continent itself but it feels a bit looser than a lot of the other residents. Then it's a matter of who she would replace. It's obvious that she would replace either Annalisa or Pekoe since they're all Normal villagers, but Annalisa and Bella feel like a pair that I don't want to separate given their thematic representation of the island's history itself and, while Pekoe is redundant given that one of my player characters also represents China, Pekoe is adorable and I prefer her design over Annalisa's. It's a bit of an impasse. I might come to a decision and move Savannah in in the future, but we'll have to see.
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For me it’s Anchovy, Rowan, and Pate.

Anchovy is absolutely adorable but I don’t want two lazies and Deli is my favorite. He is in my gamecube town so at least I can visit him there.

Rowan is very cute and I love his unibrow. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had him before.

Pate was in my acnl town. I moved her out and instantly regretted it. Maybe one day I’ll actually keep her.
I wish we could have used some of the playable characters spots for villagers.

for Serenity I would keep Cube will be replacing him with Roald eventually. I also would have Tex, Kyle, and Vivian.

for Jurai I would have Mint, Rosie, Ellie and Scoot
I want to try a frog like Drift, Tad, or Ribbot. I like those 3. However, I have Dom as a jock and don’t want to let him go because he has no amiibo yet. So I just imagine what it might be like to have one of those three, but never seek them out too much.

He would work so well for my circus themed area, but I'm so burnt out on having dog villagers. I had Goldie and Cherry at the same time back when I started and I had to let Cherry go due to dog overload. I still have Goldie and I just know I would run in to the same issue if I took Marcel. Maybe if I ever let Goldie go I'll consider Marcel more seriously.​
Oh so many...
Just pulling from the favorites list I keep in the app I use for tracking stuff (put villagers in bold for easier skimming through my musings):

Eloise, Greta, Kitty, and Miranda I really like the look of a them but just cannot quite bring myself to invite them. It doesn’t help that snooty is my least favorite femal personality. Willow and Timbra are sort of on that list, but I feel more confident I will at least eventually try moving in at least one of them, though only one of them if any could be permanent/ long term. Just don’t know whether i will be able to let Soleil go anytime soon.

Kidd, O’Hara, Graham - I love love love Graham, and I think would like to have a smug on my island (have not had one since January) but there are not too many designs that really immediately strike me other than the two hamsters and I am still resisting having all hamsters for the sake of getting a little more diversity on my island. Would like to try out kidd, Leopold, and Lopez at some point, but not sure if any of them will end up permanent. Then again sometimes you run into a villager and your opinion on them wildly changes...

Stinky (😭) Iggly, Rory, Antonio, Sparro, Hamlet (even though he lives on my island now, I don’t think I will be able to keep him permanently) apparently I like a lot of the jock designs but I don’t think I can long term handle too much muscle/ work out talk.

Sylvana Sally and Caroline - all the squirrels really but these three in particular are really cute, but there are too many cute normals.

Renee, Charlise, plucky

pinky, Apple, bubbles, pango, pate, tammi, tangy
- I love so many peppies, but tabby and bangle are never going anywhere so my options are limited and depend on me seeing how much pep I can handle at one time.

Simon, walker, wade, clay, moe, Benjamin, Benedict I think I will still end up having at least one or two of these lazy boys on my island at some point. But though I am more picky about lazies than other personalities there are still so many I like, but I seem to be less likely to invite them when I island hop. Also I really love Cole and think about bringing him back someday. Chester was also in my campsite and now I kind of like him...

And even though I don’t like crankies much, I would kind of like to give wart jr, admiral, and buzz a try and ultimately bring back Ike and/ or maybe Hamphrey. I really loved having Ike around, he’s so cuddly.

daisy, Mitzi, Megan, Rhonda, Gladys, Chelsea, etc.. in addition to the squirrels mentioned above. Too many normals and there are already 3-5 I want to keep forever.

So just so so many! And this is just such a reminder that I should let more villagers move out because so many potential new favorites are out there.
I have Fauna right now and while she is very cute and I love having her, I gotta stay true to my girl Mitzi (well, assuming I can ever find her 😅) If I could have even an 11th villager, Fauna would be who I pick to stay.
There are a bunch that I want just as much as my current bunch, but I don't have the heart to move out anyone at the moment.
I'd really like to get Molly again, I traded her to a friend who really wanted them on their island, and replaced them with Muffy so that I could have one of every personality type on my island. Now I'm thinking I want to replace Muffy with Molly again because I miss her so much, and her house exterior matches my island a lot better. It's a tough decision.

I also want to get Chief on my island because he has been a favourite of mine for a while, but I find his house interior offensive.
Beau, Shep, Erik, and Purrl are also villagers I would love but I can't justify getting rid of any of my other islanders... Wish we could make a second island on our switch.
Anchovy cause his bowl cut and eyebrows are so stinkin cute but i already have all these other villagers i dont want to get rid of, im lucky though cause a friend of mine has him so i always visit him
I need more squirrels and rabbits lol, if only we could have more than 10 villagers.
Would love to have: O'Hare, Snake, Caroline, Filbert, Ricky, Toby, Mint, Pecan, Blaire, Tasha, Ruby, Tiffany, Doc, etc on my island.
Having multiple villagers with the same personality doesn't bother me.
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Whitney - I really want her but I have 2 Snooty villagers already. Tasha is never leaving and Judy is okay but I don’t want to let her go as I’ll never get her back.

I have the same problem with Audie, she’s okay but I preferred Ketchup. If I let her go though again I won’t get her back so I just can’t do it :(
Whitney - I really want her but I have 2 Snooty villagers already. Tasha is never leaving and Judy is okay but I don’t want to let her go as I’ll never get her back.

I have the same problem with Audie, she’s okay but I preferred Ketchup. If I let her go though again I won’t get her back so I just can’t do it :(
I dont think you should keep a villager you don't love out of fear you won't get them back
After all, if you don't love them, why do you want them back? There are so many villagers out there, don't be held back by the fear of loss
TBH, I'm planning on having all the villagers I want eventually, because I don't really do "permanent" villagers. But the ones in my signature as "potential future residents" are kinda the ones that fell lower on my priority list. I'm also a big fan of a lot of smugs and Jacques is probably my next one, but I'll most likely be keeping Raymond for awhile. Apple and Peggy are also two peppies that I love, but there are SO many cute peppies, so it's rough.
Oooo there's a lot. A lot of the normal type villagers are so cute. Lily, Merengue, Callie, Melba, Mitzi, Norma, Poppy, SKYE, Sylvana, Tia, Vesta... Other than the normies I like Tangy, Dobie, Audie, Bangle, Bianca, Tybalt, Leonardo, Rodney, Dotty, Chrissy & Francine, Peanut, Bob, Sherb... I could go on