Senior Member
Where did everyone go?
Did they all go into the void :O
It's finals week for a lot of the school systems US, plus it's May! Crazy times! It will be better in a few weeks once summer begins. At least, I assume so. I hope to have more freetime then.
And Esper, that's awesome
And I made a thing for the canon challenge! I basically didn't narrow it down much, but I kind of just said, "Everything...!"
The sun never rises. You can wait. But it will never come. The only light you can ever see is the lamps on a passing train. The Void has no light. Only the shadow of what was once bright.
The Void is emptying. It?s not empty ? but it?s becoming empty. Every moment, new things spring up in the Void, and it is constantly in the process of deleting it all. Whole landscapes, neighborhoods, cities, people, junk. The black rain comes, and it all disappears under that storm. Oceans of empty data melting its contents away. The moment you step into the Void, the emptiness begins to consume you. You might look fine. You might feel fine. But look at yourself in the right light? You?ll realize you?re being emptied. Everywhere in the Void, living things arrive and begin dying.
But you can?t destroy matter ? or data. Somehow it lives on, an empty, black mist that rolls over the hills and corrupts everything it touches. Still trying to move, still trying to live, trying to run but only creeping and spreading the disease of Empty. Every day, the darkness grows. You can watch it. Watch a gray forest grow dark in the mist? the ground fades to black? the trees are lost in the horizon? even the sky becomes indescribable from the rest. Everything is black? Where there was something, there is now? nothing. There never will be again.
But it?s not always so fast. What about those things that run? That move? That try to escape? Emptiness is everywhere. It might escape the mist, or the ocean, or the rain, but it is emptying. Everything is always emptying. The little town, with its emptied houses, and tiny walls, becomes a little darker? twilight seems closer? the trees seem closer? The Darkness can wait. The Darkness doesn?t want you to run. It wants you to get comfortable. It wants you to stay, and breathe in its twilight, and live so long you forget the sun?
So you must never, never stop running.
The Void is bigger than it wants you to know. It has space, space much grander than the black prison you think it?s built. In fact, it has grown so large, it cannot delete everything like it once could. It?s spread itself thin. Across its blackened landscapes, across oceans, with its furthest reaches in the towns along the trains ? yes! Even those living, breathing towns, who so naively open up their homes, and gates, and hearts to its blank data. For more than anything, the Void wants to spread. It grabs hold of a place, reaches its fingers, and if that town is close enough, if that town lies on the edge of the black void, along the cleverly disguises border? Once the Void has grabbed hold of it? Data is corrupted. And so, the Void spreads.
All that is within in? and all that is in its grasp. It chases it, finds it safe and still and comfortable, waits for it to grow slow and dim and rest in its black heart? The Void is vast and full of life. But everything inside it is dying. Its job is to empty. To turn something into nothing.
Nowhere is safe.
So you must never stop running.
The Void is emptying. It?s not empty ? but it?s becoming empty. Every moment, new things spring up in the Void, and it is constantly in the process of deleting it all. Whole landscapes, neighborhoods, cities, people, junk. The black rain comes, and it all disappears under that storm. Oceans of empty data melting its contents away. The moment you step into the Void, the emptiness begins to consume you. You might look fine. You might feel fine. But look at yourself in the right light? You?ll realize you?re being emptied. Everywhere in the Void, living things arrive and begin dying.
But you can?t destroy matter ? or data. Somehow it lives on, an empty, black mist that rolls over the hills and corrupts everything it touches. Still trying to move, still trying to live, trying to run but only creeping and spreading the disease of Empty. Every day, the darkness grows. You can watch it. Watch a gray forest grow dark in the mist? the ground fades to black? the trees are lost in the horizon? even the sky becomes indescribable from the rest. Everything is black? Where there was something, there is now? nothing. There never will be again.
But it?s not always so fast. What about those things that run? That move? That try to escape? Emptiness is everywhere. It might escape the mist, or the ocean, or the rain, but it is emptying. Everything is always emptying. The little town, with its emptied houses, and tiny walls, becomes a little darker? twilight seems closer? the trees seem closer? The Darkness can wait. The Darkness doesn?t want you to run. It wants you to get comfortable. It wants you to stay, and breathe in its twilight, and live so long you forget the sun?
So you must never, never stop running.
The Void is bigger than it wants you to know. It has space, space much grander than the black prison you think it?s built. In fact, it has grown so large, it cannot delete everything like it once could. It?s spread itself thin. Across its blackened landscapes, across oceans, with its furthest reaches in the towns along the trains ? yes! Even those living, breathing towns, who so naively open up their homes, and gates, and hearts to its blank data. For more than anything, the Void wants to spread. It grabs hold of a place, reaches its fingers, and if that town is close enough, if that town lies on the edge of the black void, along the cleverly disguises border? Once the Void has grabbed hold of it? Data is corrupted. And so, the Void spreads.
All that is within in? and all that is in its grasp. It chases it, finds it safe and still and comfortable, waits for it to grow slow and dim and rest in its black heart? The Void is vast and full of life. But everything inside it is dying. Its job is to empty. To turn something into nothing.
Nowhere is safe.
So you must never stop running.
Okay! So here?s a more complicated way of explaining that:
When things comes to the Void, they look and seem alive, the same as when they were deleted. But the Void is like a disease. The moment you?re in it, it starts spreading. It wilts flowers, makes trees die, chops bamboo, etc. Houses are slowly emptied of their furniture? Towns lose their shape and coherence. Things just? fade. As long as it?s in the Void, it?s slowly being deleted.
However, it doesn?t always move slowly. There are black rains that come and just? delete everything it falls on. Fading things become? deleted things. Black oceans, from the fish and rivers and oceans and runoff rain, that melt everything they touch as if they were glaciers. Suddenly, it?s just surrounded by an ocean of black that?s slowly creeping towards it. And then, there?s the deleted data. Matter/data is tough to be truly deleted? And the Void doesn?t want to delete itself, it wants to grow. So the landscape becomes mist. The mist travels and envelops everything and destroys its. There are shapes in it, of the things it?s deleted ? like trees, and fish, and dragons.
And the Void isn?t just in a black universe all by itself. It has to be touching towns in order to swallow up their deleted data. So, almost like a big globe, things are connected to it, and it?s in the middle. The towns that are closest to the center of the Void, a narrow protective layer, those are the ones that are corrupting and being deleted. And there are other, more pristine towns that aren?t so close to it, and they seem normal. And to get from one town to another, the trains pass through the Void. People try to hop on those trains to save themselves, if they can find the railroad tracks before the train passes by, but the trains are crazy fast. Their lights just suddenly appear and disappear.
And there?s no true sun in the Void. Everything looks like it?s 5:59 AM ? the sun never will rise. You can see? but somehow, it?s always dark. Unless you?ve been swallowed up the Void ? and then everything is black.
So basically, the Void can almost look like anything. A regular town, a destroyed town, a black landscape, or nothing. Because it?s always changing. You might return to where your house appeared to find empty walls, or a bamboo forest, or just? black. Or, perhaps, it will be your house.
And movement is very important. It?s why the trains have to move so fast, and it?s why your town is more likely to get corrupted if you see the little train on the black screen. Because if you stay still, you start sinking. It swallows you up.
Or if you give in, if you let it become your place? then that?s what it is. It takes you from the inside out.
So basically, the Void can move as quickly or slowly as it wants, be just about anything, but eventually, everything is in the process of becoming nothing it was before.
When things comes to the Void, they look and seem alive, the same as when they were deleted. But the Void is like a disease. The moment you?re in it, it starts spreading. It wilts flowers, makes trees die, chops bamboo, etc. Houses are slowly emptied of their furniture? Towns lose their shape and coherence. Things just? fade. As long as it?s in the Void, it?s slowly being deleted.
However, it doesn?t always move slowly. There are black rains that come and just? delete everything it falls on. Fading things become? deleted things. Black oceans, from the fish and rivers and oceans and runoff rain, that melt everything they touch as if they were glaciers. Suddenly, it?s just surrounded by an ocean of black that?s slowly creeping towards it. And then, there?s the deleted data. Matter/data is tough to be truly deleted? And the Void doesn?t want to delete itself, it wants to grow. So the landscape becomes mist. The mist travels and envelops everything and destroys its. There are shapes in it, of the things it?s deleted ? like trees, and fish, and dragons.
And the Void isn?t just in a black universe all by itself. It has to be touching towns in order to swallow up their deleted data. So, almost like a big globe, things are connected to it, and it?s in the middle. The towns that are closest to the center of the Void, a narrow protective layer, those are the ones that are corrupting and being deleted. And there are other, more pristine towns that aren?t so close to it, and they seem normal. And to get from one town to another, the trains pass through the Void. People try to hop on those trains to save themselves, if they can find the railroad tracks before the train passes by, but the trains are crazy fast. Their lights just suddenly appear and disappear.
And there?s no true sun in the Void. Everything looks like it?s 5:59 AM ? the sun never will rise. You can see? but somehow, it?s always dark. Unless you?ve been swallowed up the Void ? and then everything is black.
So basically, the Void can almost look like anything. A regular town, a destroyed town, a black landscape, or nothing. Because it?s always changing. You might return to where your house appeared to find empty walls, or a bamboo forest, or just? black. Or, perhaps, it will be your house.
And movement is very important. It?s why the trains have to move so fast, and it?s why your town is more likely to get corrupted if you see the little train on the black screen. Because if you stay still, you start sinking. It swallows you up.
Or if you give in, if you let it become your place? then that?s what it is. It takes you from the inside out.
So basically, the Void can move as quickly or slowly as it wants, be just about anything, but eventually, everything is in the process of becoming nothing it was before.