well if no one enters then we wont have a canon and things will get out of hand!
I had a dream last week where I was playing animal crossing, and my HOUSE had fallen into the void. The edge of the small clearing of a town was not a cliff, but an impassable wall of darkness... And what was weird as well was that it was not only populated with current villagers, but old villagers from Population: Growing! I saw Cupcake and Tad, two of my faves, and another frog... I also saw other villagers (don't remember who they were) kicking back and forth one of the basket/soccer balls that appeared in the GCN game! Finally, in the back, I saw the GCN graveyard. Except it was gigantic, filled with the crumbling homes of removed villagers of the GCN days...
It was cool, but a little sad/scary.
Hi! I really like this thread so I decided I would try to write something. Sorry for my bad English ;-;
Sprinkle POV.
It has been a few days since I decided to move. I didn't get a chance to tell the mayor, sadly. 'Goodbye Sprinkle.', she whispered while she gave me my last hug. I waited a few days, wondering if someone would come to pick me up. I was very sad when nobody did. I had everything packed up and I was waiting for the train to arrive. It was delayed. It was 5:55 am when the train finally arrived, five minutes late.
I get on the train and take a seat. 'Where am I going?', I ask Rover. 'Let me see..', he takes what appears to be a list out of his pocket. 'You're going to The Void.', he says. The Void? I never heard of that town. 'Well it looks like we're arriving.', says Rover. 'Good luck.' I wave him goodbye and get off the train.
Mayor POV.
It's been a few days since I last played. The usual chat between me and Isabelle plays on when my town is finally all set up. I look at my map. Something's wrong. There's a house missing. SPRINKLE! No. No no no no. Now I have to cycle out 16 villagers before I can get her back. That's gonna take forever! 'But it's gonna be worth it.', I whisper to myself.
Sprinkle POV.
I look up at the town flag. It's a black flag with a dead tree on it. Weird. 'Hey, you must be Sprinkle.', I hear. I turn around to see Porter smiling at me. His eyes are red. Weirder. He hands me a map. 'Thanks.', I say. I look at the map to see it's empty. Weirdest. I decide to just walk out of the trainstation. I look around my new town. All I see are dead trees and a dark blue sky. It should be around 6:30 am right now. Why is it so dark. I walk around my new town. There's nothing here, not even a river or a waterfall. I see a house in the middle of the town. It's my house. I looks really bad. It has holes everywhere. I open the door and see nothing but darkness. My flippers search for the lightswitch but I can't find it. 'Maybe it's in the back', I think to myself. I decide to walk in and search for the lightswitch, but once I take one step I start to fall. I panick and swing my flippers around in hope to find something to grab and pull myself up with, but there's nothing there. I blink one last time before I pass out.
Mayor POV.
It's been three months since Sprinkles moved out. I finally cycled out the last person I need to cycle out before I can get Sprinkle back. Mayor Wendy is here to pick up Peanut. 'Done.', I hear her say. 'Goodbye than, take care!', I say and wave her goodbye. Now I have to find someone who is willing to give me Sprinkle. I search everywhere for someone, and finally after a week, I'm getting her back. I stepped on the train and went to a town called: "The Void." When I finally arrived and left the trainstation I saw nothing but dead trees and a dark sky. I walked around town for a bit. I saw only one house. 'It must be Sprinkle's.', I say to noone. I open the door to see Sprinkle sobbing on the floor. 'Sprinkle?', I say. I stroke her back when she doesn't respond. 'No! Leave me alone!', She says and she finally opens her eyes. 'Oh, it's you.', she says when she sees me. 'I've stopped falling.', She looks around. 'Falling?', I asked. She nodded. 'After I arrived here I walked into my house and started to fall, until now.', she says. 'The Void is a dark place.', she says and I see she's about to cry. 'It's all okay now, Sprinkle. You're save now, we're going home. She nods and we leave this horrible place, together, and we're NEVER going back.
Hey, I just wanted to make another thing for the canon contest (still don't know if entering more than once is allowed but whatever). It's just a picture I made in my paint program to showcase the differences between the "normal" animal crossing world and the void.
(Don't know if you can tell but the top of the flagpost is supposed to look like a skull)
ogmogm this is so fun i was actually going to post a story but i restored my auto-saved content and i wasn't very happy with it. soo here's my story~
I hear the voices all around me, whispering into my ear in a soft and hush voice. I may live on the other side of town, but I hear the noises. I'm going to be sent away.
The mayor was in her beautiful garden, it looked stunning thanks to the Beautiful Town ordinance. The mayor's eyes sparkled like the freshly watered blue roses and her hair were as white as the carnations she had also watered.
"Mayor.. I'm thinking of leaving town! I-if that's okay with you, of course.." I was worried and shaking. I was just asking a simple question that nobody really enjoyed hearing deep on the inside, even other mayors get sad over this question with a villager they wanted to leave badly.
"Okay. Have a fun trip, my dearest Lolly." The mayor replies. She cracked a grin and whispered into my ear, "good luck." as she walked away, skipping to the gold roses nearby. Startled I looked around at the clouds thinking, "what's wrong with me? why do I feel as if the mayor doesn't want me?" but I began to feel raindrops down my paws. Was I crying or was it raining?
Rain. It rained for the past 5 days. Drip, droop, drop. Rain splattered on my window as the mayor and Colton splashed in puddles laughing. Today was the day I left the beautiful town where the mayor talked to everyone, where the beach was always full of items to explore and where the voices around you made you feel... lost.
The Void
Rain fell fast and hard across the beautiful land, drowning flowers and sinking dreams as everyone ran to their homes right away. The roof of my house began to leak and my boxes began to become wet. Hahahahah, have a fun trip, my dearest Lolly! Have a great, great time.. begins to repeat over and over again as it cycles around my house. The voices of everyone in town circled and the town tune began to turn into screams. SCCCCCCCCCREEEEECH. I felt like my ears were bleeding and my head was aching so much, which left me on my knees and my hands covering my ears and face planting into the ground. The laughs, the screams, the rain pouring, the boxes rattling, the screech in my head all went to a stop and silence. Drip, droop, drop. The black hole appeared before my very eyes under the floor. Screaming, I tried to get away but once I fell in, I felt like Alice in Wonderland. Right before my eyes were all the shattered memories of beloved members of the void being rejected by mayors and sent into the void. The void is a dark hole you cannot escape, unless you are brave. I'm brave, aren't I? The void doesn't scare me at all.
ugh its pretty lame but this void project is really cool. this story is pretty much based on a TT accident where Lolly was voided when i was supposed to trade her aghh
Hey, I thought I'd contribute more Curlos related nonsense because why not? By the way in this short story I'm assuming that the trashcan public works project acts as a portal to the void since it's used to delete unwanted items and the void is a place full of deleted stuff, that's why the picture I made on my last post has some trash items like a tire and a tin can. Anyway there is mild swearing, nothing too bad but I wanted to quote Planet of the Apes for no particular reason so if you are super sensitive about any cursing whatsoever you may not want to read.
Aidan opens a letter from that odd seagull he helped a few days earlier to find his reward, a statue of liberty that seems way too big to fit in an envelope. "Another one? Come on Gulliver why can't you send anything good?" Aidan bemoaned, and he threw it away in the nearby trashcan he had commissioned.
In the void, a black portal opens in the grey sky, and the statue tumbled out and smashes into the ground, breaking into pieces as it does. A nearby sheep approaches and falls to his knees before the now broken statue. "You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!" At this random shouting, a rabbit decides to approach as well, rolling his eyes in at the display. "I am so sick of your nonsense Curlos." O'Hare says in an exasperated tone. "You and everyone else, why do you think I keep winding up here?" Curlos replied, chuckling dryly.
I'm glad everything doesn't have to fit into canon. Because if it did we'd have problems. For example in my story O'hare lives in a never ending forest quoting The Twilight Zone, but in CainWolf's story he runs after Curlos and gets annoyed by said sheep's shenanigans.
Huh, maybe smug villagers just really like to quote old movies and shows. If you want to avoid having our stories clash I can change O'Hare to someone else, I just needed some random guy to be annoyed at Curlos and O'Hare is one of the voided villagers on the list that came from my town.
It would be nice if you could change it, but its not required. Also, O'hare quoting an old show comes from his picture quote "Its not old, its vintage" .
Oh yeah, why no mention of my story update?![]()
ok so freakette aint here, so I'm gonna have to look these over..
gimme a sec guys
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omg ok maybe there are a few grammatical errors, but that thing is just so.. *tear taer* I love it!!♥♥
I really like how you conveyed each character's point of view, great job!!
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wow its very expressive and I love the idea of the comparision
very well displayed!!
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such an amazing piece!! your constant use of imagery makes me feel like I'm there!!
you should be proud of yur work, this is gold!!♥
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thank you for being a loyal member, yur contributions are always welcome♥
I made a new signature for myself that links to the void forum, I'm hoping it will help get us bit more activity on here. I know it's a pointless thing to announce, I'm mainly saying because it's void related and because you can only say bump so many times until you have to admit a forum is dying and I refuse to let such an awesome concept die as long as there is at least one other person to talk to on here... Ok that may be a little over dramatic but it's just been quiet around here lately, my last three posts were uninterrupted over the course of four days before anyone else posted.
Say, I'd like to write something and I need an antagonist, does anyone have a jerk of a void villager I can use? I'm not looking for normal evil, oh no... I'm looking for Club Tortimer Troll evil... Just kind of a generic jerk is what I'm looking for, obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious.