I love Disney! I?ve been a few times in recent memory. I?m not as big on them When they?re just thrill rides and nothing else however. I?m a fradey cat.
Depends on what rides it has - I really like some 'extreme' rides, but others I don't bother because I know they'd make me sick. For example, at Alton Towers I happily went on the rollercoaster with a 50m+ vertical drop, but avoided another because it had a lot of loops! In general, I do like theme parks although some are really overpriced.
I love Disney! I’ve been a few times in recent memory. I’m not as big on them When they’re just thrill rides and nothing else however. I’m a fradey cat.
Depends on the parks and the rides. For one thing, I have glasses and cannot do roller coasters unless I have someone willing to wait on the
ground. For another thing, three words: Wooden roller coasters. That is one HECK of a NOPE for me!
i love the idea of theme parks (and i've gotten a kick out of the few 'scary' rides i've gone on at local summer fairs) but because all big theme parks are both far away and not very cheap, it'll probably be a long time before i can experience one firsthand.
If you asked me prior to last year, I would have said no. However, I ended up going to Disney World for the first time last year. I went with my mom and friend. It was even more fun than I'd expected. As an adult, I was a bit nervous interacting with the characters. I realized, though, that they are there for everyone and not just children. Hopefully, I'll be able to have more memorable interactions with them on our next trip, which will be in November. To say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement.
Theme parks in general, I'm guessing it depends on the theme park itself. I'm actually interested in going to Nintendo World which I'm assuming is considered to be a theme park. As a Mario fan, I'm definitely interested. Disney World is very fun, however. I was pleasantly surprised to see how nice everyone was. It's also very accepting of the LGBT+ community despite being in Florida, so that's a bonus. I can't say I felt all that comfortable in the Miami airport, though. Thankfully I had my mom and friend with me.
I could say it depends on the theme park. Some are better than others. For example, the Universal theme park has very good attractions like Harry Potter world and soon, Nintendo world. However, some like Disney and other ones don't seem that appealing. I am also a pretty introverted person so I would get tired more easily if I find the theme park not that appealing. It would then become a nightmare for me and I would want to leave early which could cause problems for the people I would go with because I would never go to a theme park by myself.
I have mixed feelings about it. I either love it or hate it. It can be fun, but honestly I don't like being forced into human interaction much these days.
I think amusement parks work best in the company of at least one other person. I'm not too keen on thrill rides, but I certainly like showing off and winning somebody a stuffed animal from the rigged carnival games they have.