There has to be more maps than this..

I think I can answer some of those questions.

RS: its location is always tied to the “base map”. The base maps are those 95 maps in your link. Each of those maps has three features tied to it: rivers, ponds and RS placement. Every map with the same river and pond setup will have RS in the same spot as well.

Airport: can be in 2 different positions per base map. Obviously always in the starting area, but either more right or more left.

Peninsula: as far I’ve seen, there’s 6 options. Top, middle or bottom of the map on either side. Both sides (east or west) are possible on any base map.

This is based purely on what I’ve seen, but it does hold true for all 90+ maps as far as I can tell:

The six positions for the secret beach are far left, center-left, center, center-right and far right.

For maps that have an Eastern river outlet, the only options for the beach are far left, left-center and center. For maps with a Western outlet it’s the opposite, so only far right, right-center and center. If a map has two southern river outlets, the beach can be center, left-center and right-center.

Basically, with river outlets off to either side your beach will be toward the opposite side of the map, while double southern outlet maps keep the beach more centered.
That's kindve confusing! But now I can better plan for resetting thanks!!!

I really wanted my secret beach to be on the same side as the river outlet but now that I know that's not possible saves me a ton of resetting probably lol imagine
That's kindve confusing! But now I can better plan for resetting thanks!!!

I really wanted my secret beach to be on the same side as the river outlet but now that I know that's not possible saves me a ton of resetting probably lol imagine

Sorry if it’s confusing, I tried to be clear, but it’s just a lot of info. Feel free to ask if something in particular was too vague.

Also yeah, resetting for an impossible option would be a nightmare! I hope you find a map you like soon ❤️
Sorry if it’s confusing, I tried to be clear, but it’s just a lot of info. Feel free to ask if something in particular was too vague.

Also yeah, resetting for an impossible option would be a nightmare! I hope you find a map you like soon ❤️
I'm guessing that the docks and the northern extra rock peninsulas are random as well?
I'm guessing that the docks and the northern extra rock peninsulas are random as well?

Rock peninsulas I’d say yes, same as the shape and placement of the other beach rocks. It’s completely random.

What specifically about the docks? The length is random from what I can tell, but the placement isn’t.
It’ll be on the opposite side of your river outlet (so on the left if you have an east outlet). Only on double-south maps can it be on either side.
I've actually seen someone have the same base map as I did! They did have their secret beach in a different location and their rocks were different, but the dock was in the same location (I think longer than mine, though). I didn't know the chances of finding the same map were so low.

After we both did a bunch of terraforming you can't really recognise them as the same map anymore though...
My rivers were not any of those pictured. I chose a map with a river that looked like this:


Except with the open part down!
I'm wondering now how many different rock combos there are.. I only see 21 kinds for the northern peninsulas so I'm wondering about the rock formations on the beaches.. and how many is possible?!?! @Fey
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I cant believe its took me this long to figure out.. I couldve just read all those long comments in the threads... but my next goal is to figure out which maps have the possibilities of the airport services and residents services lined up.. theres quite a few i think... I'm also wondering how much does the airport move....
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Well I heard there are four total airport positions and the type of map can only have 2 possible
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Well actually looking at them I can tell now I feel so dumb
My original map is identical to the west river top fourth one over, I have chang d it quite a bit now though. I feel like that is a good amount of maps because you can change them. I do sometimes wish I had better rocks at the back of my island though