There is a collection of soggy food on the ground....

What would you eat from this selection of soggy food?

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Soggy rice is a bit like porridge so I think it'd be fine to eat and soggy cereal, although not a favorite, is edible.
mmm, soggy Malteasers.

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also S T O P E A T I N G S O G G Y F O O D O F F T H E G R O U N D
Somehow this popped up in the similar threads section from the 'do you eat food that falls on the floor' thread and I got a good laugh out of it.
I guess the soggy tea is the least offensive of the bunch since it's mostly just water, so if I had to pick one I'd go with that.
What is this thread? 😭

Hm, looking at the options... I don't think I'd choose any. XD But if I had to, then maybe soggy strawberry icecream and chocolate. (How does icecream and chocolate become soggy, when it's melted?)

Soggy bread and cake just sounds unappetizing in every way possible.