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THIEF! People, stop stealing.


Kick ass.
Jun 1, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Green Christmas Stocking
Matryoshka Doll
Tin Robot
Festive Bell
Tin Robot
Red Balloon
Father's Day Carnation
Chocolate Cake
It happened to me lots of times before, but now I can't take it anymore. Why won't people stop stealing?

Today, I let one of my best friends into my town. His name was David. I set my town gate open to "all friends". After David came, there was also two other people who came also. It didn't really matter much to me. Afterwards, I would always ask them, "Where's everyone at?" I knew that David was busy trying to glitch and try to be on top of Re-Tail. One answered, "shopping," but then I saw that she was running around my town. One didn't reply, no matter how many times I asked. I wanted to catalog my bff David's crown, so he let me do so and I saved. I was too stupid to check if my flowers had been missing before I did.

Then there was a lot of errors happening, so I just played alone in my town. Then I saw that one of my orange cosmos were missing as I walked around town. And some orange roses! After that, I was too sad to bother opening again. I knew David wouldn't steal, because he would always ask me if he wanted something. I was feeling all sad and confused, because MY HYBRIDS WERE GONE, AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO HAD STOLEN FROM ME. I wish I wasn't stupid enough to not check of anything was stolen before I saved, or even set the town gate to just "best friends". So those who do steal and scam people, stop it.
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aw im so sorry this happened to u T.T
I would give u some orange roses but im not home until friday T.T find out who the people were and unfriend them. The one friend didnt answer and the ine friend straight out lied
I know, I let 50+ people come to my town one time (train station upgrade) and I was nice enough to give them bells and let them shop in my Emporium, and yet some crappy person STILL had the nerve to steal my baskets of perfect peaches, apples, and pears. I was so angry.
Yeah, unfortunately that can happen:( I never let people wander around my town unattended, ever. I just have too many flowers that could get trampled/ stolen.
Moral of the story: Don't let random people from forums into ur town coz they will **** u over
I'm sorry this happened to you.

I remember some of my purple pansies mysteriously going missing, and honestly, since then, my gates haven't opened. This happened like a year ago.

I don't trust anyone new roaming around my town.
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It's unfortunate, but you just shouldn't let people you don't know into your town. And if you do, you need to keep an eye on them. You're better off closing the gate after invited guests have entered, or setting to best friends mode as you've said.

Thankfully this hasn't happened to me. The people I've let in have only come for their intended purposes, and I always follow them to ensure nothing goes missing. It feels kinda mean, but most people understand that everyone just wants to protect their hard work, and anyone who doesn't pmuch deserves to get the session cut off. There's a lot of potential for dishonesty and scamming, so yeah...
As others have said, as unfortunate as these things are, this is what happens when you let strangers into your town. And no, exchanging friend codes with someone on here doesn't constitute someone automatically becoming a friend. Unless you know these people offline, expect people to steal if you aren't keeping an eye on them. Just be careful next time. I hope you can get your flowers back.
If you have 3DS XL or some other versions you can just flip the switch.
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I can give you some hybrids if you'd like :) I'm sorry this happened to you..
I never let people wander around in my town because I'm ultra paranoid
Also, if you know it was a member on here, I believe you can privately report them to the mods? Not 100% sure on that though.
Yeah, this sort of thing hits my berserk button almost instantly.

Just the other day I was visiting someone's town and some imbecile came in after me asking every couple of seconds if she could buy some of the items displayed in the host's house (this is while the host was giving me and another person a tour of her house mind you). She would never say anything that wasn't related to attempting to buy/take an item.

To make things even more irritating, she eventually discarded any sort of subtlety and just rushed out of the house to see if she could pick some things off the ground without anyone noticing. Instead of being able to relax and enjoy this town, everyone there was more or less forced to babysit this miscreant so she couldn't steal anything. The host eventually just disconnected when she started to attempt to force the host to save under the pretense of performing a glitch.

So yeah, these sorts of people ruin things for everyone, not just the owner of a specific town.
People really are a pain to deal with sometimes. :mad:
If you have 3DS XL or some other versions you can just flip the switch.

And if you're using the new 3DS XL that lacks said switch, you can either hit the power button or disconnect the Wi-Fi via home menu (Top left where the themes are).

Adding because when I got this thing, I couldn't find a way to DC in case something like this happened. The power button is less convenient, but a good failsafe if you're running on the new hardware.
aw im so sorry this happened to u T.T
I would give u some orange roses but im not home until friday T.T find out who the people were and unfriend them. The one friend didnt answer and the ine friend straight out lied

Thanks for reading, and I will unfriend them. It's fine, no need to give me orange roses, but only if you want to. Thanks for the advice :)

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I know, I let 50+ people come to my town one time (train station upgrade) and I was nice enough to give them bells and let them shop in my Emporium, and yet some crappy person STILL had the nerve to steal my baskets of perfect peaches, apples, and pears. I was so angry.

I know! And it's been happening a lot lately to me. I know it's only a game, but I can't help but think how I was so stupid and saved...thanks for reading. :)

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Yeah, unfortunately that can happen:( I never let people wander around my town unattended, ever. I just have too many flowers that could get trampled/ stolen.

Yeah, and it's terrible. I don't want someone to steal my hybrids, but then again I don't want to follow everyone and be the "police town cop". But I will make sure I won't leave the guests unattended, thanks for the advice. :)

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Moral of the story: Don't let random people from forums into ur town coz they will **** u over

Yeah...only thing is, I don't really know if the person who stole them was from Bell Tree Forums. I knew one of them was from Bell Tree Forums, but not sure about the other one. Thanks for the advice :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm sorry this happened to you.

I remember some of my purple pansies mysteriously going missing, and honestly, since then, my gates haven't opened. This happened like a year ago.

I don't trust anyone new roaming around my town.

I'm sorry that happened to you. Honestly, I feel just opening my gates to my bffs now, unless I'm doing some sort of trade. Thanks for the info :)
I'm sorry this happened to you as well.

Just be a little more cautious and look for people that have good wifi ratings before adding them.
and if it's a new user, Google their 3ds code, and see if they show up on a blacklist somewhere.

Also, you may want to consider picking up a second copy of new leaf one day if you see it on sale somewhere. It will change your outlook on everything in the game.
If you have a town to TT in without risk, you can crank out more hybrids than you'll ever need.
You can even make extras in case of thieves, or if anyone tramples on them.
there will still be some jerks that will screw you, but at least you wont take much of a hit since you can easily make more... but their wifi rating sure will take a hit if they do mess with you.

just something to consder. There's a ton of uses for a second town cartridge, and if you got a friends 3ds to borrow, even more uses.

Hit me up if you ever need any replacement hybrids tho, ill be happy to help.

With a second TTing town, the value of hybrids goes way down, but sharing the love is just that much easier!
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I don't open my gates often for this reason. It feels so violating. Sorry it happened to you, thieves ruin it for everyone but themselves. No respect for them.
Yeah, also annoying when you giveaway hybrids then someone try's to come back and your like... No... Stop trying to steal more you greedy pig. :/
another bit of advice. As soon as I'm finished with a trade from people on here, I delete their friend code from my 3ds. I only keep personal friends permanently on my system. If I'm just doing a trade with someone on here, I have no reason to keep a stranger on this. it could be safer to do things that way as well
It's unfortunate, but you just shouldn't let people you don't know into your town. And if you do, you need to keep an eye on them. You're better off closing the gate after invited guests have entered, or setting to best friends mode as you've said.

Thankfully this hasn't happened to me. The people I've let in have only come for their intended purposes, and I always follow them to ensure nothing goes missing. It feels kinda mean, but most people understand that everyone just wants to protect their hard work, and anyone who doesn't pmuch deserves to get the session cut off. There's a lot of potential for dishonesty and scamming, so yeah...

You're right, and I should have been more careful, instead of letting them roam around wherever. I'm glad that this has never happened to you before, and I'll start going to do the same as you. Thanks for the advice :)

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As others have said, as unfortunate as these things are, this is what happens when you let strangers into your town. And no, exchanging friend codes with someone on here doesn't constitute someone automatically becoming a friend. Unless you know these people offline, expect people to steal if you aren't keeping an eye on them. Just be careful next time. I hope you can get your flowers back.

Thank you. I knew I was expecting some random stealer to come in when I put the all friends, but instead I ignored it :( I was so gullible as to think nothing bad would happen when I did that. Thanks for the advice :)

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If you have 3DS XL or some other versions you can just flip the switch.

I do have the 3ds XL, but I didn't really notice people stealing my hybrids so I didn't flick the switch. But I'll be careful from now on, thanks :)
I've gotten stolen from three times. Two were Club Tortimer members I was stupid enough to add, and another was a friend of a friend. I know how it feels, just tell everyone to stay close by you and if they start roaming or running around, flip the switch. If you don't have the switch, power off or switch off the router. Not as convenient as the switch, but it's your only choice.