People who act like my opinion doesn't matter or I shouldn't have one.
I hate those people too. Everyone should have the right to their own opinion, and you can't force people to agree with you or disrespect them. People who can't respect others' opinions, others' rights to have opinions, or even others' rights to post need to learn to not post if they act that way. I don't even care if this is the internet. If you do something bad, you should face the consequences. Don't worry davidblack, I'm not specifically referring to you. I'm agreeing with you.
Do you know what else I hate:
People who make slanders about other people because of different opinions (like false accusations of racism).
People who have extreme bias against me.
People on TBT to harass me on other sites, telling me to stop posting anywhere, not just TBT.
People who leave hate filled comments on blogs.
People who say that nobody likes someone or everybody hates someone.
Those five specifically refer to whoever left rude comments on my blog on wordpress. I don't know who's doing it, but I know it's another member on this site. And it's just only one member. A lot of you are innocent.