Prepare,heres the people i h8
-People who presummes all-What the matter of even presumming ur poop in the toilet?
-People who thinks AC is girly and for girls-Thats why exist the BOY model,but still,idiots are idiots
-Homophobic people
-Snooty IRL-When they need something from you,they are nice,but when not,they treat you like **it
-Depressed people...on the internet-Some people are really depressed,but others just want attention
-Rollers and aerosprayers of LVL.20 in splatoon-Seriously,theres another weapons,why ALWAYS the roller/aerospray?
-People like the following-You are working very hard in a team school work,and that person is like:ZOMFG YOU ARE DOIN NOTHING.and those persons are the ones who are just lazy idiots of the team
-Facebook-When people invites u to play games,when people talks in the posts you post
-Vegetarians...for fashion/sociality
-Miiverse admin. or False Reporters
-People with ALOT of self-esteem
And thats my rant