This Switch...


Acnl addict
Aug 7, 2015
October Birthstone (Opal)
Red Cosmos
Tasty Cake
I heard people on Tbt talking about it but I don't understand what is it exactly can someone please tell me what the switch is thanks
It is Nintendo's new console that is a hybrid between a handheld and a console. It is coming out March 3.
Its the legendary "NX". I hybrid of handheld and console. It can play some games that are only on Ps4s and Xboxs. And did I mention you can use it on an airplane haha
The successor of Wii U and perhaps 3DS, Nintendo Switch, is the upcoming Nintendo hardware that can be played anytime, anywhere without much compromise. It's made possible by not only being a handheld, but seamlessly doubling as a home console by plopping the hardware into its designated dock connected to HDTV, too.

You can also detach its two pieces of hardware from its side, both of which are called "Joy-Cons". You can use both of them as if you were playing with your average home console controller, or even give the other piece of controller to your other fellow for some two-player multiplayer fun.

It is slated to be released in March 3rd 2017 with its MSRP of $299 USD.
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I've been wondering what the games look like. As in, i mean are they like cartridges, discs? I'd like to get a Switch at some point, if i can ever afford one.
They pretty much look like 3DS-carts.

Yeah. The dimensions will no doubt be slightly different. Have the cartridges actually been shown off outwith the announcement trailer?

At this point, I bet their guts are pretty much just the same as SD card flash memory.
Yeah. The dimensions will no doubt be slightly different. Have the cartridges actually been shown off outwith the announcement trailer?

At this point, I bet their guts are pretty much just the same as SD card flash memory.

It probably would be, I mean at this point in time, The first ever SD Card to have 1 TB on it has been made, although it's only on the full-size guys, and not MicroSD's yet. I would imagine that it would be similar to SD, although it seems to be the size between a Vita Card and a 3ds Card. We'll just have to see when it comes out. :)
The switch is basically a hybrid between a portable console and a home console. You can pretty much find out all the details on the Nintendo website too. link:

Its a really cool idea to take any game from your home console and take it anywhere.
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