Thoughts on repeated events?


Oct 19, 2020
I don't understand why the events are repeated in AC.:confused:

NH is my first AC game, and yes, I did hear that events were repeated in previous games.

But whats in it for old players at this point?
I mean, I'm currently on bunny day, and it is exactly the same as last year.
Not even one new DIY. :sleep:

I talked to Zipper and he gave me the wand (which I already have) because I already have all the items crafted from last year. <shrugs>

I don't expect them to create 40 new DIYS, but a couple of new ones would be nice, and maybe create a mini game with Zipper to change things up a bit.

What do you think? Do you engage in repeated events or do you skip them at this point?
This game is getting updates yes, but since we only paid for the game once, I don't think we can expect them to update the holidays each year with unique and new events. We got some new furniture and thats good with me.

Tbh, for a game that's a small one off payment to still have people playing the game long enough to do the events from last year, just shows how much value is actually in the game. I don't think this is something we can really complain about not having.

But no, I'm not taking part this year. I have a lot of eggs from last year and I have all the diys. If I wanted more of the items I could have made them at any point in the last year.

We got new Easter items at the shop which i loved and are actually staying on my island all year long so I'm a happy bunny.
Well, I know, now, that the AC developer team is working on splatoon 3 so I am not surprised that the event repeat itself (plus it was the case before so no surprise for me). ACNH sold very well (good for them) so it is unfortunate but I think we will have little update and maybe a big update once per year, I don't think they will work on the game so much anymore and people are just happy with the game by decorating. In my case I just want to see the NPCS and the main street from new leaf back so I don't really care about the event now since I have everything (DIYs and items).

Plus, we got new items this year for easter so it is not so bad
I don't mind it. Like you pointed out, the holidays from previous games were all the same so I'm used to it. There are always going to be new players and it's not fair to them to either force them to time travel or just never get to access the 2020 holidays entirely. After how hectic last year's bunny day was, I'm personally just enjoying not even needing to worry about it this year. I've bought the new seasonal items from Nook's which I'm happy with. At this point, I'm more interested in what year-round content they might introduce rather than holidays.
meh, it doesn't bother me. i used to repeat events in NL to earn bells, but saving bells no longer earns you rewards in NH so i'm not bothering in this game.

they added new items that they didn't have to, and imo they're cuter than the original bunny day items we had from last year. i'd gladly take more of them next year, if the game is still getting semi-regular updates by then, but i won't be surprised or disappointed if we don't. old players aren't the game's only audience, and it's not all about us. if you add too many new items, it becomes more of a hassle for people who missed the event the first time around. my girlfriend didn't get the game until late august last year, so she missed the first bunny day. if they added a bunch of new items/recipes, she'd be having to work twice as hard as everyone else which she can't necessarily afford to do given that she has a full-time job and commitments in her personal life.
It doesn't really bother me. It has been the same way in all the past animal crossing games where the events don't change year after year. I imagine it would be incredibly frustrating to be a person who doesn't time travel only to miss out on a prior year event and only to have the rewards change completely the following year. Or have to wait several more years to acquire items or diys cause they decide to rotate it. I think in NL they had the zodiac animals rotating but it's just one item series.
Animal Crossing really is just good for a year of playthrough, which I think is more than enough for what you pay for the game. At this, point I consider my game to be finished and anything they add is just a bonus. I do hope they add the other features in NL before they stop updating the game.
I don't mind whatsoever. As this has always been the case in past games, it doesn't come as any surprise. More Bunny Day items were added, it's just that they were added to the Nook's Cranny offerings and not to the DIY list. I'm a time traveler and my town isn't even in April currently so it's not really a big deal for me regardless, but in the hypothetical scenario that it affected me somehow and I were keeping pace with the real world calendar, I would personally feel relieved that I wouldn't have to force myself to play to get more stuff. I'm not someone who likes to play Animal Crossing on actual holidays, as I'd rather be enjoying the actual day in the real world. Especially with the Easter Egg Hunt going on here on the forums this weekend, I don't want Animal Crossing to be vying for my attention.

As for the matter of whether I repeat events even if I have the items or DIYs, it depends on the event and the items available. Not so much in New Horizons, but I'd totally always participate in the Halloween festivities in New Leaf because I liked a lot of the Creepy items and liked to get the variously colored Pumpkin Heads. I'd say overall that the events in New Horizons hold drastically less appeal for revisiting. The one that holds the most appeal for revisiting is Festivale.
I skip, unless I need anything, but honestly prefer it like this. as adding new stuff each year would end up making the events very intimidating towards new players. plus, it just lets me focus on other things lol

though they did technically add new bunny day stuff, just not via the event. which I feel is a good compromise
Completing Pocket Camps events was absolute torture so I’m not a fan of tedious events anymore (Like the original bunny day, wedding and seasonal DIYs) so I’m glad we’re getting a little break. A few dlc items is enough for me.
It doesn't bother me and it makes sense since not everyone would have participated in the first Bunny Day event.
Plus I liked the Bunny items you could purchase at Nook's Cranny so it made up for it.
I think they did it the best way they could. More items to work for would have been too stressful for new people or people who just didn't have time to finish the event last year, no new items would have been sad, so repeated event and easy to get new items is amazing
Given I'm not battling with the quadruple combo of Bunny Day, trying to get all the cherry blossom items, competing in the fishing tourney and paying off my house, I'm actually enjoying doing the event again, and taking it much easier.

I’m glad that there’s new items, even if I don’t think there’s enough of them and they're not directly connected to the event day itself, because they're honestly pretty nice! I've bought 10 lots of Bunny Day candy and I plan to gift them to my villagers tomorrow to celebrate Bunny Day itself.

I DO now have a load of surplus eggs from last year on account of me expecting new DIYs, but I'm probably going to sell them on.

(also @lexy_ I'm trying and failing to specifically find who's on both AC and Splatoon's dev teams, but by a cursory glance, it's honestly not as many people as you'd think, mainly because Splatoon's dev team's TINY compared to NH's. and a good portion of it's the localisation team)
I'm a first-timer for Bunny Day and really glad I don't have to collect 2 sets of DIYs or miss out on the previous year's ones. In fact I'll be glad if they do the same thing for the rest of the holidays because I actually prefer buying items to having to hunt down and pop balloons for every seasonal set which ends up stressing and burning me out. I like how they did Halloween though, maybe they could reintroduce new DIYs through the villagers crafting.
Yeah, the problem is the events should not have focused around collecting DIY's. Now there's nothing to do for most events in 2021 if you already played them 😅 I don't mind repeated events, but they should have had mini games/something that is of re-playable value instead...
To be fair with the Bunny Day event, they did add new Bunny Day items to the Nook Shop and they did add a new feature where villagers can give you Bunny Day eggs or Bunny Day DIYS. They also fixed the spawn rate issue from last year and made sure that the event was shorten so it didn't last too long.

With that said going forward it would be interesting to see how the events from last year will have minor changes or new stuff added. They never done this in past AC games from what I remember, but it is a nice change of pace.
NH is the first AC game I actually played for over a year AND on a daily basis. I never even reached 6 months on the previous games. So this is the first time I experienced a repeat of an event.

I honestly don't mind since that's expected. I'm just happy and thankful even that they added new items.
Nintendo didn't market New Horizons as a mobile game. So any new content and updates might eventually stop one day. In fact, previous Animal Crossing games do have repeated events. I don't mind this really. I am glad that Nintendo even bothered to give us free updates from time to time.
i don’t mind it at all! as someone who’s been playing AC for majority of my life, i guess i can say im biased with this sort of thing as im completely used to it by now and didn’t expect anything new to happen. though this may be a new game, it’s still animal crossing, and no matter what differences each game has, the whole concept will pretty much stay the same. if you really think about it, it’d be a really big hassle for them if they’d have to go through all the work and effort of changing each event every year, especially taking in the fact that there a numerous amount of events per year which would make it even more work, and even more stressful at that. plus, they can only have so many ideas, and it would be odd to have it changing for one game and not the rest. the necessary updates of new features will come, but as for events, i do not expect as much and am definitely content with how it is. even when playing the previous games, i have always enjoyed every event despite it being a repeat of the previous year, as events only come so often and should be enjoyed for what they are. i like to just have fun with it, even if i have all the items and whatnot, it’s still enjoyable to participate in and it brings me joy! 😊