Throw Something at the Next Poster

*Reflects it with Fox's shine*

*Kunai continues to be thrown*

- - - Post Merge - - -

*Reflects it with Fox's shine*

*Kunai continues to be thrown*
*panics and runs for my life as an entire human body is thrown at me*

*throws a lemon meringue pie at the next poster*
yummy meringue pie!
*attempts to catch it in a container*
*throws easter eggs at the next poster*
*attempts to catch the easter eggs but they land on me, being cracked open and making a mess on my clothes*

*throws a lit cigarette at the next user*
*Lets it land on a pile of garbage, catching it on fire*

*Throws a fighter jet equipped with a superweapon*
UM EXCUSE ME WHA- *boom dead* *becomes a zombie*

*throws one of my hands at the next poster*
*reads every single text sent and received on the phone* Yes, I'm a stalker.

*throws a 2019 calendar*
Thanks for the calender! *picks up the calender*
*throws a volleyball at the next poster*
*attempts to catch it but it returns, releasing Riley from the pokeball*
*throws isabelle at the next poster*
*catch the bees with my net, picks up the beehive and sells it to re-tail*

*throws a bible at the next user*
*gets crushed and dies*

*somehow throws my corpse at the next user despite being dead*
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