Throw Something at the Next Poster

*Literally burns*
*But right before turning into a pile of ashes, throws a fridge.*
*gets hit in the head by the fridge
*decides food >> injury
*eats everything inside the fridge
*before collapsing throws a chicken
*Cuts its head off, removes all feathers, washes it, seasons with salt, pepper, and garlic, places it on a roasting pan, leaves it in the oven for around 45 minutes, takes it out, then eats it*

*Throws an entire subway system*
*already dead so can't do anything about it and gets crushed again*

*throws my blood at the next user*
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"Wait a minute... it's the star that gives you invincibility, not the mushroom! What kind of maniac could ever believe that a mere mushroom could turn you invincible?! Utter madness! Oh well, if it claims to give invincibility, what's the worst that could happen?"

*Eats it, then warps out of reality due to this gaping plot hole*

*Throws my house at the next poster* Won't be needing it now that I no longer exist.
hah. depends what size your house is. Your house may be tiny so i will smash it apart.
*throws a charging bull at the next poster*
*Unplugs its cable, rendering it unable to charge*

*Throws a charging cable*
*attempts too charge my phone with it*
*throws tiny bullets at the next poster*
Wow a real human skeleton! Thanks
*throws waluigi at the next poster*
*catches it, cause it rains here alot and I need one*

*throws my piece of crud Galaxy S5*
*gets hit by tree and dies*

*throws both NoUsernameHere and my skeletons at the next poster*
*catches them gracefully, gives them a hug and kicks them to the next poster* ㋡
Why do I have to keep dealing with peoples dead bodies.... *Doesn't care so I just leave them there* *Throws the CN tower*