Throw Something at the Next Poster

Sweet, now I can have a second isl- oh wait.

*Throws the game case with frustration*
Omg, I haven’t used chalk since I was a kid. Thanks! *doodles with it*

*throws a Tasmanian Devil*
*stands by with welding gloves, protective gear, and a cage* O___O! *ships it home safely*

*throws a giant O-Totoro plush*
*grabs baseball bat*

*hits and throws Wii Sports again*
*Narrowly dodges the island*
"What were you thinking?! Guess I might as well explore this place a bit..."
"...In my entire time in this world, I would have never expected to find something so abhorrent... the airport is the wrong color! I have to get out of here."

*Throws the badly painted airport*
Y’all’s wasted a perfectly good airport-that has the best colors of Nook items tied to it!

*throws a yellow phone box at the next user*
Yellow? I want blue! I want my time machine.

*throws all of the items that did not return yet in New Horizons*
*Digs through the mountain of items, finding the gorgeous chairs*

*Throws one of the gorgeous chairs*
*gets hit in the face with gorgeous chair; goes back to hospital for 14029403049th time*

*throws MapleSilver’s signature*