Throw Something at the Next Poster

Woo, this can be just like one of my rhythm games


*throws piñata stick*
*the stick slams into my face and i explode into cardboard and those bad butterscotch candies and bootleg Smarties*

*throws a bag of Smarties*
*shows isabelle her search results*

*throws a suspicious looking jar with a rainbow dash figure inside*
*Drives to a very far place and buries it so it cannot be found again*
*Throws a pearl*
Since I'm a good citizen he manages to fly passed with a wave.

*Throws the winning jar from the Jarring Oddities event*
"What the- AAAAAAAA"
I get sucked into a blackhole for 50 years where I am plagued with nothing but the thoughts of- *shudders*- physical toontown online.

*Throws a hedgehog*
I, er, uh... *Does absolutely nothing*

*Throws an extremely rare TBT collectible of your choice*