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Time Travel Poll

Have you used Time Travel?

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How does time travel constitute "cheating?" Sorry I don't follow your ridiculous and tyrannical requirements to play the game "the real way." Besides, I believe I've said this before, but blocking time travelling would have been oh so easy for the game developers to have done, but they didn't. Want to know the probable reason as to why they didn't? Because they don't care if you want to time travel! *oh, what a concept* If the game developers are kind enough themselves to let people actually play the game how they see fit, who put you up on that high horse of yours to make the decision to dictate what's the right way and the wrong way to play?

I know patience is a virtue, but all this posting about time travelers reeks of pride to me. Isn't pride one of the seven deadly sins? Check yourself before everyone gets sick of your attitude maybe? c: In the meantime, I'll be enjoying my club lol and museum second floor while you cry in a corner about something as pointless as time traveling!
I've never done it, but that isn't to say that I wouldn't. *shrug* I mean, that Gracie hairbow wig is only available in the Spring, and I'd love to get my hands on it without feeding the auction sharks. :D

And I'm certainly not gonna get all Judgy McJudgerton toward people who do time travel. You bought it- you enjoy it as you like. What other people do in their own game does not concern me.

Love it, this made me chuckle.
I don't care what anyone else does in their game. They paid for it, so they are free to play it in whatever way suits them. While I have never TTed in AC due to simply not wanting to bother, I am an avid Action Replay user in my Pokemon games (after I beat E4). With that in mind, it's not like I have any right to say what's "right" or "wrong" for anyone else to do while playing AC.
Before the game came out, I entertained myself by watching videos of people playing the Japanese version of the game. And I noticed a pattern: a lot of the people creating these videos seemed to look down upon those that time travel, the same goes for a lot of the people that I've met. I never really understood why this happens. Animal Crossing is all about taste. And although time traveling can completely ruin the game for some, it can also enhance the game for others.

Take me, for example. I play the game for several hours each day. I go on and do all of my daily chores: water all flowers, plant new trees/bushes, I work on my paths, talk to all villagers and perform tasks for them, I pick up fossils and find the money rock/gem rock, check out shops, etc. Basically, I do everything that there is to do in the game. And then I have nothing else left to do... but I still want to play the game so I travel to a new day. After a few days, I go back to the actual date.

Now... before I played NL, I played Wild World and I didn't Time Travel at all. I would get all of my chores done early and then I had nothing else left to do. So I would shut off my game and do something else, then come back to it the next day. After 2 weeks, I stopped playing the game completely and switched over to another game that I could play for longer periods of time without having to worry about running out of things to do for the game. I came back to the game a few months later and Time Traveled, which made the game a lot more enjoyable because I always had things that kept me busy.

Maybe it's not how the game was intended to be played, but Time Travel definitely makes the game better when the island has no good tours for the day.
I have occasionally, I really hate missing events or the chance to buy turnips/check the prices. I always make sure to put the time back though. I never jump one than a day at a time, forward or back.
Time traveling to check the day's prices for turnips would be a bad idea, though, since if you have turnips in your pockets or storage while you time travel, they immediately rot! Or at least that's what Joan told me the first time I talked to her... o_o
Time traveling to check the day's prices for turnips would be a bad idea, though, since if you have turnips in your pockets or storage while you time travel, they immediately rot! Or at least that's what Joan told me the first time I talked to her... o_o

Moving forward in time with turnips is fine. It's going back in time with turnips (in pockets OR storage) that makes them rot instantly.
I do. I have never time traveled in any of my games before but I feel as if New Leaf is drawing things out too far. I feel as if the pace is a bit too slow in this game. So I will go ahead a day or two on occasion to just to get SOMETHING to do. I don't see how this could make them game boring faster. In fact, it gives me more things to do and check daily and I think that it's not a bad thing to do. Though, the only reason I time travel is to speed things up a bit. If Nintendo didn't decide to stretch the pace out so bad, I wouldn't be.

ON THAT NOTE: I do have Shampoodle's if anyone wants their hair done :)
I half assume this thread is just for the hardcore anti-time travellers to find out who time travels just to shame them.
I don't like to time travel for money purposes, but I placed a bridge where it didn't line up with how my path was (one space away :/) and I didn't want to wait two days for the bridge to be destroyed so I time traveled enough to just have my new bridge, feel a little bad because it was during the construction of Kicks! I'll just wait to go in for a few days haha. I don't think time travel is too big of a deal as long as you keep up with your dailies.
There needs to be a choice that's "I've done it once but only once, I don't do it anymore"
Sorry if this is a noob question
If you visit someone else's town and they live in a different time zone, is that considered time travelling?
I live in South Korea and most of the members on thus site are from the Americas or Europe. So,,,
Sorry if this is a noob question
If you visit someone else's town and they live in a different time zone, is that considered time travelling?
I live in South Korea and most of the members on thus site are from the Americas or Europe. So,,,

It doesn't count to the game itself, but it is in fact time traveling.
My son did so by accident (at least, we are not sure how he managed to change the date a couple of times in the game) but otherwise, we do not like to mess with the rhythm of the game.
I did it for the first 4 or 5 days, because I was playing soooo much everyday (think 5 hours or more) and was getting tired of the limited content in one day.. so I basically skipped ahead and tried to see how far I could get (went up to July 1st, I think). I've stopped now though, since I only play AC for about 1 hour - 1.5 hours a day. My schedule suddenly got a whole lot busier, so I don't have hours to spend on AC anymore and thus don't need to 'cure' my boredom..
I've thought about it, but always stop myself. It would eventually annoy me that the date is wrong, lol. So I will probably never time travel
I do time traveling and I don't think the game is now less fun. Everybody should do that what he like to do as long as the game is fun. I wouldn't have fun if I have to go with the slow flow of the game. So yes I do time traveling and I'm more then okay with it ;)
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