Also, something related to this (kinda mini-rant):
I usually brush off the amount of hate and immense pressure the anti-Ray shoves at everyone but this really hit hard. From countless of stories of people being forced to dislike him due to popularity, to people who used to like him hate him, and to people who used to own him felt forced to disown him. Some being threatened or verbally abused for having him in their island. While I can stand my ground and ignore it, I can't help but feel the grip of being shamed and dragged down because I'm "fake and basic" for having him and Marshal. (which I don't actually mind but it's annoying to listen to.)
And how people tend to blame Raymond for the atrocities people commit because of him and not the actual people themselves. This was more severe than Marshal's circumstances. Honestly, I've played AC for a long time but this seems to be the first time that people were really out to get others. (While, yes, "ugly villagers" are mistreated but, none of them invoked deep hatred enough to attack other players.)
I even had a dream I felt the need to blacklist Twitter's website in my island so he can't see what the people are saying to him. Even if he's fake and not real (pixel cat), I think the things that are being said towards him is really something I wouldn't want any one to read/go through. Maybe I'm soft-hearted and sensitive. But when I temporarily moved him to my friend's island and picked him up again, he told me he "won't grill too much salmon anymore" and is happy to go back "home" (my island). While this is probably just a funny dialog, the circumstance that he's in right now made me feel hurt for even making him move to clear his interior. (If you add that for context, it feels like he's blaming himself or felt he did something wrong.)
Since then I became adamant on never letting go of anyone in my island. Even if Jacques has a messy interior as of the moment, I felt like it was wrong.
And how people tend to blame Raymond for the atrocities people commit because of him and not the actual people themselves. This was more severe than Marshal's circumstances. Honestly, I've played AC for a long time but this seems to be the first time that people were really out to get others. (While, yes, "ugly villagers" are mistreated but, none of them invoked deep hatred enough to attack other players.)
I even had a dream I felt the need to blacklist Twitter's website in my island so he can't see what the people are saying to him. Even if he's fake and not real (pixel cat), I think the things that are being said towards him is really something I wouldn't want any one to read/go through. Maybe I'm soft-hearted and sensitive. But when I temporarily moved him to my friend's island and picked him up again, he told me he "won't grill too much salmon anymore" and is happy to go back "home" (my island). While this is probably just a funny dialog, the circumstance that he's in right now made me feel hurt for even making him move to clear his interior. (If you add that for context, it feels like he's blaming himself or felt he did something wrong.)
Since then I became adamant on never letting go of anyone in my island. Even if Jacques has a messy interior as of the moment, I felt like it was wrong.
You should just love or like whoever you want. Invite the villagers you want. Be with the villagers you want.
No one should force you to hate who you like just because they're popular but if you think their reasoning is justified and you feel it's right to stop liking them, that's fine.
You're also allowed to dislike/hate anyone you don't like. Your personal opinion, however, should stay personal. Please don't make others feel bad or embarrassed if they like what you don't like. No one should be attacked for liking them either.
In the end of the day, you live in your own island and you're in control of it, not other people. Just be yourself in a place that's meant to be yours.
This can be also applied to real life as well.
Anyways, sorry for the somewhat serious topic. I felt like I needed to say it. I hope my message comes through clearly. I'm not a native English speaker so I might've fumbled some words.
Also to be clear: This post is not meant to guilt trip whoever dislikes him or sold him or thinks he's ugly. This is more of an appeal to the people who are feeling uneasy, ashamed or unsure if they should like Raymond because of his popularity or afraid of the hatemob he has. I just want to say "It's okay."
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