To reset, or not to reset...

I had to make this decision just now. I'm not happy with most of my town (the layout looked good but after a few days of playing.. sigh.) I'm gonna reset, start today and zero TT this.
Honestly, at some point you are just going to have to accept that not everything can be perfect.

I agree with this.

With NL I decided to tackle it with the same approach I took to the very first AC I played - back before I realised there would be a different map/fruit/grass/villagers if you reset; I was happy to just take what I was given. Even after looking at others maps I'm still happy with what I have. It's not what others consider perfect but I like it the best of the four I was offered. It's not what I'd consider "perfect" - but I still enjoy it and have no urge to reset. :)
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Honestly, at some point you are just going to have to accept that not everything can be perfect.

This is probably the best advice, in my opinion. It's tough, especially in a game where you're able to customize so much to your specifications. But there are still limits, and therein lies the potential for "imperfection." If you attempt to let go of the need for everything to fit your definition of perfect, and relax and take the game in stride, you might find yourself enjoying your experience a lot more.
I had to make this decision just now. I'm not happy with most of my town (the layout looked good but after a few days of playing.. sigh.) I'm gonna reset, start today and zero TT this.

You'll be up & running back as you were in no time! B-)
I ended up resetting my town and I am thrilled that I did. I wasn't happy with where I placed my house, nor was I happy with my character's face. I attempted to roll with it but found that I was just completely unenthusiastic about my game. So instead of forcing myself to deal with it, I started over. There are enough unpleasant realities that we are forced to deal with in real life- why should I have to take that attitude of philosophical acceptance in a video game?

Now I have a town that is actually better than I ever could have imagined, and I can't wait to play.
I've struggled with the same problem, my town has too many ponds and they're not ideallly placed. But I've come to the conclusion that imperfections are a part of the game and I'm going to have to deal with it.
I thought I'd reset until I got at least 1 cat. But yesterday I finally got my game. The very first map that Rover showed me, I knew that was the perfect map for me. I liked it so much, and still like it more than a lot of other maps I see people here with.

I don't have cats, but I like my villagers so far. I really like my map. There's only 2 things that I don't care for about it, but both can be fixed once I get farther in the game. My house has this great little spot tucked away from everyone. Downside is I have a long trek around the river to get anywhere from my house (everything is convenient right now BUT my house). But guess what? I'll just build a bridge there later. One of my 2 beaches is out of the way to get to, but once I get the wet suit, I can swim over there and don't have to deal with the ramp for it anymore.

The default bridge my town has is perfect. My villagers so far are all in great spots (to include the new person's who is moving in tomorrow). Re-tail, the town hall, and the town tree, all great spots. I have 2 ponds in good spots and I like how my river winds. I have cherries, which fits since my town is called Sakura (CHERRY blossom).

While I really want a cat neighbor, it does seem like having a map you really like is important. I like mine so much it wasn't worth losing to try to get cats.
It sounds like your map turned out pretty much perfect for you. :D I think that's what's most important. You can always get new fruit from trades, and villagers come and go, but if your map isn't exciting to you, I think it's worth it to reset. Now that I love my map, I am constantly looking around and getting inspired about all of the new community projects. I didn't feel that with my old map.
Don't get me wrong, I know that "perfect" is entirely subjective. I like my town ! I just have the worst OCD when it comes to this game, and apparently I'm not alone lolol.
I think I can learn to like my map. I was just curious as to what everyone's opinions were when it comes to how far they'd go before resetting was out of the question. n___n
im having the same dilemma, ive already opened up the island, the gardening shop, and gotten some furniture I love (stained glass lamp, sloppy tv) and donated a bunch of stuff to the museum, but Im really unhappy with my map. Thing is I picked that map because it was the best of the 4 I got but I didnt actually like any of them I was just tired of re setting. And I really hate 4 of my neighbors. So do it now if youre gonna do it, Im going to re set when I get home and Ill do it 500 times if I have to but when I get a perfect map Ill keep it regardless of native fruit or villagers.
I got my game at midnight and wasn't 100% happy with the map that I chose so I reset and got one that i'm happy with because I thought what's the point in waiting so long for a game and then not like the town?!
If I were you, I would wait a few more days and decide. Plus, if you reset, you would have to start all over again. Not everything is perfect - after all, I did miss my first shark. :( But you'll probably be glad you didn't reset when you get farther into the game. ;)
I only had to reset 5 or 6 times, but if you're unhappy with your map I'd say it's the obvious choice.
I got a map that was too spread out, but I took it because it looked nice. It was bothering me to no end. So despite the fact that I've had the town since release day, I restarted my game yesterday and will be looking for a new map later today after work. I'm going to be picky this time. >.>

I understand your pain. :<
I reset once because all 4 layouts were awkward. I mean, my current map isn't perfect but I don't really mind. :3
I made my first town yesterday... I was okay with it at first, but the poor layout and fruit (cherries) kept bugging me. I restarted today and got a near-perfect layout with apples. Plus, an added bonus... I got Diana, one of my favourite villagers!

So happy that I restarted.
You're definitely not alone. Just check the town map topic. Tons of people are suffering from what I like to call 'perfect town syndrome', where you just keep resetting for hours or days even to find that 'perfect' town. The chances of finding that perfect town are slim, especially when you have a very specific criteria, but if you're willing to stick it out through all the resets, you might just end up finding it. :)
I resetted quite a bit for my new town map last night. Reset at 7pm, took a nap after Rover had given me close to 50 bad maps.. (Re-tail was always up top, or bad river) and restarted at 10pm. Eventually an hour later I found a map and villagers I love!
I made my first town yesterday... I was okay with it at first, but the poor layout and fruit (cherries) kept bugging me. I restarted today and got a near-perfect layout with apples. Plus, an added bonus... I got Diana, one of my favourite villagers!

So happy that I restarted.
Yup, I did the same. I started my game yesterday and noticed I wasn't entirely happy with my town layout, but thought it would grow on me quickly. But as I lay in bed yesterday, I realised it just wasn't for me. And so I resetted this morning and found my perfect map after four or five resets or so.

So to me, it was worth it.