I've never been, and don't really plan to visit anytime soon. Canada on the other hand...![]()
I have definitely been to the US.
As a matter of fact, I've never left the US! Hahaha!
But seriously, this place is pretty cool (save for all the stupid people that run the country).
What, and get shot? I have no reason to go there, especially with Trump in charge.
I have never been to the United States and I don't ever want to unless I have to.
Guns being legal are part of the reason why.
I know Texas does value guns, has a high importance in religion, and is patriotic to its own state, but they are more friendly towards tourists than most of America is.
I could never survive in such a hot climate. I don't understand how you pull it off. 80 degrees Fahrenheit is when I start to get uncomfortable. 90, and I'd probably collapse.
There are loads of amazing landmarks to see in America and I'd love to visit Disneyland/world (I know they have Disneyland in Paris which is closer to where I live but I don't know if they speak English there). My biggest reason for not going to the USA would probably be all the guns. It's just unsettling knowing that anyone at any point could be carrying a gun. That being said, I've never actually heard of tourism in the USA to be more dangerous than any other place.
Sadly, I'm not much of a traveller which is a shame cause there's just so much to see of the world.
I've lived in the US my whole life so I'm not voting in the poll but I'm a little disheartened by the people who think if they come here they'll get shot. If that fear is the only deterrent to coming here I hope to dissuade that fear.
I've lived here 26 years, in the heart of Chicago, in suburbs, in the country, and in the "bad" side of Denver. The only times I've ever seen guns are on security guards and cops. The media plays up gun violence a lot but it's really not that scary. Just don't go into sketchy neighborhoods or alleys late at night or approach a group of strangers late at night. And if you're in a city you can look up gang territories and stay away from the places those gangs meet.
If you're going to museums and attractions that are daytime venues and you won't have any problems.
What I'll never understand is why if it's just for protection they use an item developed with the purpose of killing, you know, someone could develop a less dangerous artifact but equally effective for immobilizing or something your target without killing them. If it's already developed, why people don't buy it instead of buying something so dangerous? There are a lot of cases of deaths due to accidental shootings.We have great LE. People who carry guns most likely either 1. have a license/registered gun and do so FOR PROTECTION or 2. Are a LE officer. If anyone carrying an illegal gun wants to shoot you, then good thing other citizens can carry b/c they'll most likely be shot before they can get to you. (which is highly unlikely to begin with, look at statistics). Gun violence in the US is overwhelmingly due to gang violence, not randos shooting at tourists.
What I'll never understand is why if it's just for protection they use an item developed with the purpose of killing, you know, someone could develop a less dangerous artifact but equally effective for immobilizing or something your target without killing them. If it's already developed, why people don't buy it instead of buying something so dangerous? There are a lot of cases of deaths due to accidental shootings.