• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

To what extent are you playing vanilla?

I will reset until I get at least 1 cat neighbor as one of the starting neighbors. Preferably Bob and/or Ankha, but with there being like 400-something animals now, I think it might be hard to get them in particular.

I don't care about grass shapes or town fruit. The layout you can choose, so most likely I'll probably like one of the ones I can pick. I won't reset for face, but I've already looked at face guides and intend to make sure I get what I want.
I am going to use a face guide and will reset for fruit (i want peaches or pears, apples would be okay if the town is perfect otherwise) and for grass shape (i want square grass^^)
I think i will find a good layout easy enough (at least i hope that one of the four will be okay)

I don't want to feel like i should have reset the town in the beginning everytime i am playing and those things are important for me..
I will use a face guide and I will probably reset if the town tree is in a weird place, if R-tail is far from the dock and if all of my villages are ugly. I probably won't end up resetting though, as I will be too excited and will want to play the game straight away :D
To answer the question...

I'll be looking at the face guide because I'm not willing to let my face be something left to chance. Some of the faces look a bit "I just escaped from a mental asylum".

Don't care about the grass shape, not too fussed about the fruit although I have preferences. I don't care about what villagers I start with, that can always change. Don't care about the type of train station either.

I might reset for the general layout of the town. (have a central town tree, Re-tail close to the dock AND where my house will be. That sort of thing)

I can't see myself resetting a lot though.
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I forgot to mention that I will be using a face guide too but not a hair guide. It's exciting to get a random hairstyle in Shampoodle's shop
I will most definitely play vanilla, unless there is something that I hate about my village.
I know which face I will be having, if the map I want is not in the selection I will reset!

I did not realise there was different grass shapes o.o
Things I'll reset for:
1. bad town layout
2. if I don't get apples
3. if Sylvia shows up.

I also am going to have the guide, so I will be using that.
I won't ever be time travelling, and I'd only reset if I got 4 really bad maps while I was on the train with Rover (i.e. all beach on the right side, etc.) I will be using a face guide, though. :)
I'll reset if I don't like the color of the interior of the Town Hall, I get oranges as my native fruit, or I don't like the placement of things. I'm not very picky, so I probably won't end up resetting. I will be using the face guide, but I won't time travel.
I will more than likely take the first layout and town I get.

Unless I get peaches....
Like a lot of you, I am DEFINITELY using the face guide (going to have to look at myself for a long time:p). I'm getting the Prima guide for checklists and such. I always made my own for my Mom and I with printing stuff off the internet. It would be nice to have the store near the docks, because I am going to work on getting beetles at night on the island. Otherwise, I will pretty much go with what I get as I don't have strong feelings on grass shape and fruit.

All that being said, if I get Rasher:mad:, it will be a definite reset.
I'm using a face guide for this one because I'll probably only play often on the one character anyway, so I want to NOT have one of the stoner faces, lol.

As far as resetting, it'll only be if I get suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper ugly maps. I'll just have the one town, and I want it to look awesome :3
I will be restarting the game to get the right town map, seeing as I never want to restart the game after I have got into it, like i did on countless occasions with Wild World ( I still remember, in detail, my first ever town map *sniff* it was perfect...) anyways villagers don't bother me, seeing as im going to try and collect all the photos anyway, and fruit doesn't make a difference either, although i want peaches as I HATE peaches, so if i get them i can dig them all up and replace them with a better fruit that will then be worth more money when i sell!
Oh man haha, I'm not playing vanilla in the least. Ill be using guides, resetting for a good layout and town fruit if it happens to be pears. I also may or may not time travel a bit, depending on my upcoming summer plans. All that said, ill be trying to take it as slow as possible AND doing the above.
I'll be using a face guide for sure. Might pick up a prima guide if the store I buy my XL bundle at sells one.
As far as resetting goes, I just want a handy town map and no oranges as my native fruit, haha.

my thoughts exactly lol though idk if ill reset if I get oranges but I really don't want them bc their perfect version is ugly!
I might reset to get a better map, but the grass doesn't bother me really, though the triangle/star is kinda cool. I think I will use a face guide as well. I don't want to time travel though. Not sure what fruit I want either, so I don't know if that will bother me at all. IDK the train station/town hall colors so those don't bother me. I am going to play the game legit though. :D
I'm using a face guide and the Prima guide for some things. I'll reset until I get a nice map layout, but otherwise it'll be vanilla style playing.