I was curious about placing sock items on the ground and discovered this. It's cute and also gross.
I like it. I kinda want to make a pool-side section and put that somewhere random.I was curious about placing sock items on the ground and discovered this. It's cute and also gross.
Back in NL I remember that you could have lucky and unlucky days and you didn't need to get a fortune to have it happen. You could trip and fall (and if holding a balloon/coffee they would spill/fly away) and every time you sat somewhere you 'farted'Today I learned that curses are real!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!So I was touring a DA I found on Pinterest and was running around their island. It was a desert themed island so I switched to my mummy outfit, which included a King Tut mask. As I was running I tripped and fell over. I had never seen this before! I looked it up online and found an answer. Apparently when you are running around in the mask, the “curse” of the mask makes you trip and fall over! What a fun feature!
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Interesting. I never came across their extra dialogue like that. I'll have to try that next time I play.This wasn't exactly today but I learned that there's extra dialogue with Harv at Harv's Island! During the "relaxing hours" (i'm assuming after midnight) when you see Harv and Harriet just chilling by the campfire you can talk to Harv, and you get an option to ask "What's Up?"
The first time I chose that option Harv went on about Harriet's nickname "Hattie" (and she even displayed the shock reaction next to him lol). The second time I tried it tonight he talked about the yellow birds hanging around him to poop on him. Harriet reacted again which I thought was cute.
I'm not sure how much dialogue there is but I'm very happy to find this as I always liked Harv's character![]()
And coming back to this thread, TIL that rotten turnips can spawn flies! I thought only trash could but nope! Found a random fly on my rotten turnips today!
I have intentionally let Turnips rot to put onto the ground to get both the ant and fly for the museum. That fly took forever to get but the ants kept showing up.
If you have cockroaches in your home, visiting villagers will immediately leave out of disgust. Very useful if you have that one neighbor who won't leave you alone.
I just found out that in HHP…
You can expand the hospital!? I talked to the nurse and she asked for a donation to expand! I’m interested to see what the expansion looks like. Need to start thinking of ideas! My hospital is a naturopath doctors office. Based it on one I use to go to in Oregon!
I was curious about placing sock items on the ground and discovered this. It's cute and also gross.
As Patty is the only peppy cow in the game, this bit of dialogue is only uttered by her and not by any other peppy villager. Cool, huh?
this is so cute omg! i so sincerely miss the randomness of seeing villagers in the cafe from NL. at least there is this! thanks for sharing!today i learned that after midnight on a saturday, you can apparently stop into the roost and see k.k. slider there getting some coffee after his performance. i didn't know about that at all and thought it was really cute! <3
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*not my pic*