Today I Learned: New Horizons Edition

You can turn on the gas range? I can't believe I've been playing all this time and didn't know this. I seen the burners on in a dream town. I immediately went to my kitchen and turned mine on so it could heat up my water in my coffee pot.😄
I just found out that real paintings (when displayed on an easel) have tags/notes behind it. Fake ones don't.

I also found out that villagers can actually stand up and walk away from KK after sitting. I thought they're glued to those seats unless I restart the game.
If you have a toilet in your house and eat some fruit, you can actually sit on the toilet and it will dispose the fruits. Soo funny hahaha, my character even say she felt so relived.
Today I learned villagers can stay sick for multiple days in a row if you don't give them medicine. I always thought they recovered the next day.
I've found out that when you interact with the bamboo noodle slide, there are noodles that will go down the slide. I saw noodles moving down the slide when I interacted with the bamboo noodle slide that I used for my little bamboo area. The small details in this game is amazing.
I learned that I can customize my leaf campfire so there’s marshmallows around it! It’s so cute and 100x cozier now. 🥰

When you press A on the magic set. ( Not sure what they call it) the hat has confetti shoot out of it.
I must not be very observant, because today I learned that not only does confetti shoot out of the hat, but cute bunny ears pop up too.
And a learned a few hours ago that:
1. If you make a perfect snowboy, they will give a big snowflake everyday until he melts. I originally thought they could only give it to you right after being built
2. You can get furniture trees on mystery island tours.

Maaaan, I am still a noooooooooooob. >___<
Two things:
- If you have a villager birthday and visit the same villager on someone else's island, their birthday will still count towards your achievements
- When decorating indoors on a wall, you can just drag the item off to the side to switch the wall you're looking at. Here I was, trying to move the right stick while holding A. Not proud of that one. 😅
Today I learned that the Pocket modern camper can be customized. I only found out because I had the item in my pocket whilst attempting to customize a wooden stool, and the leaf for the camper was selectable.

I'm sure it's old news, but I thought it was pretty cool.