Today I Learned: New Horizons Edition

It's a small little thing, but the places where you'd expect a villager house to have windows on the sides gives off light. A couple days ago Phil sent me a fake painting, so I decided to display it next to his house. Yesterday I was playing in the evening, and when I walked by, the painting was being lit up by the window (which we can't see from straight on).

Idk, it interested me.
So I learned that after restarting your island all of the Custom Designs you've downloaded are gone and whats weird is that the custom design you displayed on your friends island is still there and you can still get it, yet the game doesn't let you display it on your new island.
the game doesn't let you display it on your new island.
That's because, if you restarted your island, you are a new player character on a new island, and you're only allowed to display designs that you created yourself in the shop. The game considers you a new person, so that old design isn't yours to display.
That's because, if you restarted your island, you are a new player character on a new island, and you're only allowed to display designs that you created yourself in the shop. The game considers you a new person, so that old design isn't yours to display.
Well thats kinda dumb. I am not sure why that would be a thing. So I guess I will have to redesign all over again.
I had no idea that once you collect all the DIY's from Celeste she then starts giving you star fragments every time she visits, my mind has actually been blown by this revelation. 🤯
I learned that after you delete your island its still saved in the Dreams Server so you can still go to it. Its so weird, but my island by the name "Traverse" I recently restarted it and now I have a new island named "Destiny". To be honest I look back at it and part of me misses it, but the other part me is glad I restarted because I wanted to do this for the longest time when I got my 2nd switch because I wanted to keep my items on the 2nd island before I restarted.
If you have more players living on your island they can buy art from Redd on the same day as you if you have more than one real art of course 😁 🥳
maybe i knew this before and totally forgot but today i realised if you give one of the zodiac star frags to celeste she'll tell you a story about that zodiac! it's a cute extra detail that i don't think i've ever talked to celeste enough to realise
If you have more players living on your island they can buy art from Redd on the same day as you if you have more than one real art of course 😁 🥳
You can have this without multiple players as well. I had 2 real art work today. From my understanding these are the odds for Redd’s art.
10% - 1 fake, 3 real
30% - 2 fake, 2 real
50% - 3 fake, 1 real
10% - 4 fake, 0 real
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I misread that sorry. Yes. Multiple players can buy from Redd. Same goes for helping Gulliver/Gullivaar
I've never run into this, but I talked with Marina 3 times in a row and she gave me a delivery quest. She said she had borrowed something from Quillson and needed me to give it back to him. I can't think of any other time that a delivery quest wasn't prompted by a bubble and an apology for a fight.
Well I learned that when you have visitors over on your island and if they have a villager who is sick they will not let them in. Makes sense I would not want my villager to spread the sickness all around. Cherry is doing the right thing staying inside:

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Today when I opened my new mini-fridge, it asked me if I wanted to change clothes.
There are so many furniture items that are like that where when you open them its like you want to change clothes. Same thing happens when you open a Cooler or a Freezer.
This was yesterday, but yesterday I learned that aquariums have lamps that you can turn on and off
I learned that sometimes if you have a villager with really high friendship they can send you fossils or sometimes real/fake paintings and statues in your mailbox.
Kid cat doesn’t have toe beans on his feet but lines like on shoes; which I guess makes sense since he is in a full outfit. I didn’t think any of the villagers wore shoes though 🤔
Recently I learned that Kiki’s tail has stripes on it. Until the other day, when I summoned her at Harv’s studio to get an art request ready, or maybe earlier than that, I noticed her tail was not completely black. It looks like black and gray.
Today I learnt that if you place the South Pole item from Gulliver in your house, the metal globe part reflects the wallpaper and flooring that you have in that room. The reflection with change if you change the wallpaper or flooring. It also reflects the windows if you have any in that room. Unfortunately you can see any reflections of your furniture or of you. But I thought it was cool anyway.
I played this game for a year and now realize the singing villager's voices came from the spin-off game, Happy Home Designer (another game I played).