Today I Learned: New Horizons Edition

Today I learned two things:

1. Special Kapp'n islands, for example the cherry blossom one I found myself on today, are a very good place to catch some critters you might have missed. On the cherry blossom island the time is always set in April (if you're on the Northern Hemisphere) so I took some time to catch some sea creatures I hadn't caught yet because I stopped playing for a bit in that month.

That said...

2. What creatures you can catch is dependent on the time of day, which is the same as the time on your main island. But! Time will essentially not change once you get there. So if you arrive at say, 7PM, like I did, you will be able to catch critters found in April at 7PM the entire time you stay on the island. So someone would be a fool if they tried to hang around until the clock ticks over to 9PM and caught about 70 sea creatures just to try and catch a single firefly squid... Nah, not me, I'm certainly not speaking from experience because I tried that exact thing tonight 😅
That you can skid when you go back on yourself when you're sprinting. I've been playing this game for almost a year and had no idea you could do that until I saw it in a video on YouTube, I've clearly been living under a rock for far too long. 🙈
I learned that frag appear on shore!! SINCE WHEN!?
i learned today that if you sit on the stone stools on happy home paraside island you get to see a very nice view. didn't really bothered about the stools until i saw a video about it.
I learned that when you are in your inventory and you switch between the left half and the right half, your character tilts their head the opposite direction. Hard to describe but just mess around with your inventory and you'll notice it :0
Today I learned that when you restart an island you no longer have to donate a certain amount of exhibits to get the art gallery, you just start with it. The only expansion you have to do is the one for Brewster.
this doesn’t just go for new horizons, but i only just recently learned that dobie’s name is pronounced “doh-bee” and not “dough-bee”
Saw it mentioned on reddit first but you can remove the buffs from eating fruit/food by sitting on a toilet to poop it out.
I didn't believe it the first time I saw it! Haha

I remember getting in trouble on another forum 10+ years ago on a thread where you could ask other AC players questions because I asked "How often do you sit on the toilet?" and now that's actually a part of the gameplay.
no, the correct way is with short o, and the way i’ve been saying it was long o, like dough
But the correct way has to be with the long O, because it's a play on the nickname for Doberman Pinschers, isn't it? So it would be dough-bee, not dah-bee/dobby. At least, that's what I assumed.