Can someone tell me how I can get those special foods?
Campers, I think. After you streetpass with someone.
Can someone tell me how I can get those special foods?
Campers, I think. After you streetpass with someone.
wahh some of my residents just wont interact with others.
I've had one character for almost 2 weeks now and he doesnt have a single friend
I love how my grandmother married Stephen King xD
There was one with Near, my sister, knives. Near chose KnivesNice XD. It's weird seeing some of the matches... Scully is now dating Ozzy Osborne. After a love triangle between her, Ozzy and Dexter Morgan, she chose Ozzy. She loved him the most.
There was one with Near, my sister, knives. Near chose Knives
My mom is dating Sheldon Cooper xDCool. This was my first experience with one, it kind of surprised me O_O.
That is pretty amazing>have Egg
>he's your child
>all you could ever want
Those are awesome! Would it be possible for you to please post the mii qr code for Cousteau and Croque ?
Sure!Here ya go:
Thank you! I'm going to import them now.