Hehe, thanks! I'm not sure it was a very good idea, because you can have up to 100 Miis living on the island, and I don't want to add random Miis to my island.. So I'll probably be stuck with maybe 20 at the most. But still - it was too tempting. I had to do it.
A lot has happened since I made that post, too - Diva and Cousteau started dating, Puddles and Drift got married, and then poor Croque got rejected by Jambette... in a way that I wasn't expecting.
I told Croque to serenade her at the park, and just as he was asking her if she would be his sweetheart, suddenly the Mii based off of my Mayor shows up and confesses that he loves her, too. And Jambette chose him instead of Croque. D: (but it let me tell them that it's a bad idea, thankfully)
So to cheer him up, I let him take a long, hot bath, and then sent him on a trip to Australia. xD
No. It's technically in your treasure menu -- but instead of selling it you feed it to your Miis. You can also give it to another player if you play local and exchange stuff!
I finally caved and bought this game last night, and now I can't stop playing. ಠ_ಠ The only thing preventing me from playing right now is the fact that all of my residents are sleeping.
Your frog town is adorable! Great job! I put my ACNL mayor in Tomodachi but no-one else. Oh wait, I lie - I have Totakeke. In fact, he and Snowdrop (my ACBL mayor) just got married. Their kids will be terrifying!
I finally caved and bought this game last night, and now I can't stop playing. ಠ_ಠ The only thing preventing me from playing right now is the fact that all of my residents are sleeping.
But anyway, I based my island off of my AC:NL dream town, so I named it "Frogdale Island", and here are it's residents:
First up is "me" (AKA my Mayor-that-looks-nothing-like-me):
(Pretty obvious where his last name came from)
His personality is Easygoing/Buddy
Then there's, of course, Isabelle (whom I intend on making Ian marry *eyebrow wiggle*):
(Her last name is actually her name in the Japanese version)
Her personality is Easygoing/Optimist
Next up are the humanized (mii-ized?) frogs, in alphabetical order:
(I used each villagers catchphrases as their last names)
His personality is Outgoing/Entertainer
(Please excuse his and Cousteau's hats - I wanted to remove them, but they're asleep, so..)
His personality is Confident/Designer
(Again, ignore the outfits.. They're just wearing whatever right now lol)
Her personality is Confident/Go-Getter
His personality is Confident/Adventurer
Her personality is Outgoing/Trendsetter
(He wanted to dye his hair... I don't like it so I'll probably make him wash it out soon)
His personality is Outgoing/Charmer
Her personality is Independent/Artist
His personality is Easygoing/Dreamer
Her personality is Easygoing/Softie
She has the same personality as Isabelle: Easygoing/Optimist
And here are my intended pairings:
(So far, the only ones in a relationship are Drift&Puddles, and Jeremiah&Lily)
Wow, these Miis look amazing! I'm kinda tempted to make Miis of some of my own villagers...
I've seen plenty of people to make villager gijinka Miis on Tomodachi Life and they usually end up looking like poop but these are REALLY impressive.
It's funny, because when it comes to actual people.. I can't seem to make a Mii that looks anything like them. But apparently I can make decent Mii's out of cute little frogs. LOL
I didn't want to break the frog theme, so instead of adding random villagers, I tried making Mii's out of some of the NPCs (the first two I've already added to my island):
His personality is Independent/Lone Wolf
Her personality is the same as Jeremiah's - Easygoing/Dreamer
Since Timmy & Tommy are identical twins, the only way you'll be able to tell them apart is the little spike in their hair - Timmy's hair will stand up on one side, while Tommy's will be on the opposite side
(I should have made his shirt green... Oh well)
I haven't added the others to the game yet because: 1) I haven't picked personalities for them yet 2) Lyle still needs a last name (Since he works for HHA.. maybe "Homes"? Idk. If anyone has an idea, lemme know) 3)NOOKS HAIR BOTHERS ME. I couldn't for the life of me find a decent hairstyle for him. Dx 4) I'm not sure if they look good enough to add into my game 5) I wanted to keep my island gender-balanced, but if I add these, it'll throw it off. Especially since, except for Nook and Sable, I don't have any pairings in mind for the others.. (though it doesn't matter with Timmy & Tommy - I'm gonna make them like, 10 years old lol)
So what do you guys think? Last name for Lyle? What hair to use for Nook? Personalities? And do they look good enough to add??
I didn't want to break the frog theme, so instead of adding random villagers, I tried making Mii's out of some of the NPCs (the first two I've already added to my island):
His personality is Independent/Lone Wolf
Her personality is the same as Jeremiah's - Easygoing/Dreamer
Since Timmy & Tommy are identical twins, the only way you'll be able to tell them apart is the little spike in their hair - Timmy's hair will stand up on one side, while Tommy's will be on the opposite side
(I should have made his shirt green... Oh well)
I haven't added the others to the game yet because: 1) I haven't picked personalities for them yet 2) Lyle still needs a last name (Since he works for HHA.. maybe "Homes"? Idk. If anyone has an idea, lemme know) 3)NOOKS HAIR BOTHERS ME. I couldn't for the life of me find a decent hairstyle for him. Dx 4) I'm not sure if they look good enough to add into my game 5) I wanted to keep my island gender-balanced, but if I add these, it'll throw it off. Especially since, except for Nook and Sable, I don't have any pairings in mind for the others.. (though it doesn't matter with Timmy & Tommy - I'm gonna make them like, 10 years old lol)
So what do you guys think? Last name for Lyle? What hair to use for Nook? Personalities? And do they look good enough to add??
I finally caved and bought this game last night, and now I can't stop playing. ಠ_ಠ The only thing preventing me from playing right now is the fact that all of my residents are sleeping.
But anyway, I based my island off of my AC:NL dream town, so I named it "Frogdale Island", and here are it's residents:
First up is "me" (AKA my Mayor-that-looks-nothing-like-me):
(Pretty obvious where his last name came from)
His personality is Easygoing/Buddy
Then there's, of course, Isabelle (whom I intend on making Ian marry *eyebrow wiggle*):
(Her last name is actually her name in the Japanese version)
Her personality is Easygoing/Optimist
Next up are the humanized (mii-ized?) frogs, in alphabetical order:
(I used each villagers catchphrases as their last names)
His personality is Outgoing/Entertainer
(Please excuse his and Cousteau's hats - I wanted to remove them, but they're asleep, so..)
His personality is Confident/Designer
(Again, ignore the outfits.. They're just wearing whatever right now lol)
Her personality is Confident/Go-Getter
His personality is Confident/Adventurer
Her personality is Outgoing/Trendsetter
(He wanted to dye his hair... I don't like it so I'll probably make him wash it out soon)
His personality is Outgoing/Charmer
Her personality is Independent/Artist
His personality is Easygoing/Dreamer
Her personality is Easygoing/Softie
She has the same personality as Isabelle: Easygoing/Optimist
And here are my intended pairings:
(So far, the only ones in a relationship are Drift&Puddles, and Jeremiah&Lily)
I didn't want to break the frog theme, so instead of adding random villagers, I tried making Mii's out of some of the NPCs (the first two I've already added to my island):
His personality is Independent/Lone Wolf
Her personality is the same as Jeremiah's - Easygoing/Dreamer
Since Timmy & Tommy are identical twins, the only way you'll be able to tell them apart is the little spike in their hair - Timmy's hair will stand up on one side, while Tommy's will be on the opposite side
(I should have made his shirt green... Oh well)
I haven't added the others to the game yet because: 1) I haven't picked personalities for them yet 2) Lyle still needs a last name (Since he works for HHA.. maybe "Homes"? Idk. If anyone has an idea, lemme know) 3)NOOKS HAIR BOTHERS ME. I couldn't for the life of me find a decent hairstyle for him. Dx 4) I'm not sure if they look good enough to add into my game 5) I wanted to keep my island gender-balanced, but if I add these, it'll throw it off. Especially since, except for Nook and Sable, I don't have any pairings in mind for the others.. (though it doesn't matter with Timmy & Tommy - I'm gonna make them like, 10 years old lol)
So what do you guys think? Last name for Lyle? What hair to use for Nook? Personalities? And do they look good enough to add??
1) America and Izzy had a baby (a boy named Nathaniel). Nathaniel has his dad's hair, his mother's eyebrows, and the slightly derpy face of both of them (I have them the same eyes and facial expression).
2) Germany has decided to abandon the training clothes I've given him and has returned to wearing his toga. I don't know why.
3) Hikaru and Kaoru still haven't friended each other.
4) Izzy tried to set Fry up with Nikki. I found it funny since both Nikki and Leela have purple hair. Naturally, no sparks flew. Either Fry's waiting for Leela or Nikki refuses to get together with anyone.
5) Apparently the compatibility tester thinks that my mom and Professor Layton are star-crossed lovers (I'm not even joking, their compatibility rating was a whopping 99%).
6) All couples (Daria and Germany, Izzy and America, Jane and DJ, Maka and Soul, Garcia and Canada) are still together.
Okay, I finally got around to adding the Able sisters to my island. Labelle is Confident/Designer, Mabel is Outgoing/Leader, and Sable is Independent/Artist. I made each one one year apart, with Labelle being the eldest, Mabel being second eldest, and Sable being the youngest. (If the game mentions who's older than who and I have it wrong, lemme know so I can correct it)
Aslo, Frogdale Island had THREE weddings today! o_o First Lily proposed to Jeremiah, then Cousteau to Diva, and then immediately after that, Gigi proposed to Henry (I love how it's usually the girl proposing in my game hahaha. Though Drift insists he's the one who proposed.. Pffft)
I really need more Miis. Any suggestions? I'm not sure adding people from here is what I want to do, it feels like nobody I know lol
Maybe I have to use http://www.miicharacters.com/ again now that it's back
I really need more Miis. Any suggestions? I'm not sure adding people from here is what I want to do, it feels like nobody I know lol
Maybe I have to use http://www.miicharacters.com/ again now that it's back
I'm really not even sure. I'm stuck on deciding who's important enough. I've got Nintendo people Miis, and a handful of celebs and friends and weird made up stuff. I was just reminded I have to add Bill Trinen
I'm really not even sure. I'm stuck on deciding who's important enough. I've got Nintendo people Miis, and a handful of celebs and friends and weird made up stuff. I was just reminded I have to add Bill Trinen