Tool "repair"


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
How do you know when to customize your tools to keep them from breaking?
idk, just whenever you feel like you've been using it a lot.
or you could count the number of uses.
other than that, there's no way to tell. : P
Waitwaitwait...if you customize your tools it keeps them from breaking?! I've always avoided customizing them because I didn't want to waste the customization kits only to have them break. 😑
Waitwaitwait...if you customize your tools it keeps them from breaking?! I've always avoided customizing them because I didn't want to waste the customization kits only to have them break. 😑
Yes it does :) I always customize when I use it a lot. My (customizable) tools never break unless I neglect customizing them now. Maybe once a week.
I keep my inventory organized so that it's quick to see how many bugs/fish I've caught or how many flowers/fossils I've dug up, etc. If only there was a meter that kept track of each tool's usage...
In ACNL your axe would start to chip after a certain number of uses. I think it's a good, natural-looking way to determine the state of your tools without having to have a meter or something on your screen. Chips are doable for things like axes and shovels, but how would you be able to tell how worn out your fishing rods and slingshots are? 🤔 The bug net could get holes or tears in it.
I guess I just instinctively decide that I've used it enough for it to break and I customize it. There's not set formula unless you actually count each use, but I have short term memory issues lol
I literally did not know this was a thing, I usually just carry around 2-3 of whatever tool I need (if I'm doing a lot of shoveling or axe work etc.) and then buy more from nook's if/when I run out of those haha
I do it after every use.

I can't help it.

This game has caused major OCD.

Bring back the tools we've always had that don't break. :(
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The main reason I never use the colourful tools (which I love) is that I don't want to keep buying them over and over or waste customisation kits on them (which would mean I can't even have the colours I want half the time.) And I think I'd get paranoid at the notion that I don't want them to break but maybe I'm customising them too early or something and wasting kits lol. I'd rather use the materials I have to make them since that's what they're for.

Anyway I wish tool breakage wasn't a thing at all. These days I only sparingly use tools to avoid having to make new ones all the time. It's made me neglect my fish encyclopedia and even my town because I'm putting off going through 5 shovels digging up all my flowers.... I think if this was a hardcore fighter game the feature would make more sense lol. They either need a way to show how worn out they are or they need to finally give us what we would have earned long ago in NL- unbreakable tools!
I hate tool breakage too, its especially annoying when I'm in the middle of something on the other side of my island and have to go and craft (I don't carry any materials around with me. I sometimes joke that the thing I most want from Jingle this year is unbreakable tools like we had in previous games!

I do customise when I remember, which just isn't very often unfortunately so I nearly always have to craft.
Waitwaitwait...if you customize your tools it keeps them from breaking?! I've always avoided customizing them because I didn't want to waste the customization kits only to have them break. 😑
tool customization is literally the only reason to keep customization kits on hand, imo

I honestly just buy 3 tools of whatever I want to use and replace them when they all break 😂 idk I don’t care that much lol
i messed up and didnt keep track and lost my golden tools beacsue of this D: i wish they had a little use meter like tools in minecraft do :)
I'm really curious how the devs justified the golden tools only being twice as durable as the normal tools. Gold ore is so rare and valuable, it doesn't make sense!
Personally, I think it's just as much of a hassle to buy a crap-ton of customization kits to customize with as it is to just craft new tools. And you need to craft a boat-load of tools for one of the Nook Miles achievements anyway, so... may as well :/

Until Nintendo actually listens to what everyone is asking for and adds bulk-purchase so I can just buy hundreds of customization kits at once, that is.
already posted elsewhere, but they should just let us customize gold tools to silver

so that way they have double durability that can be reset, just like most all the non-flimsy counterparts

and this would make the golden axe truly befitting its legacy too, as it'd be the only unbreakable axe (so long as you remembered to customize it before it reached the durability limit)
Personally, I think it's just as much of a hassle to buy a crap-ton of customization kits to customize with as it is to just craft new tools. And you need to craft a boat-load of tools for one of the Nook Miles achievements anyway, so... may as well :/

Until Nintendo actually listens to what everyone is asking for and adds bulk-purchase so I can just buy hundreds of customization kits at once, that is.

I used to only keep custom kits on me for repairing tools, but I'm forgetful so they would still break and annoy me. Now I fish or catch bugs exclusively with the flimsy fishing rod and net (also it's cute) because I always have a ton of sticks on me and I need to work towards getting the achievement anyways!