Top 5 wishes for ACNH

Top five wishes, huh? Well, all I can think of on the top of my head are:

1. Cloud saves please. We need a way to protect our save files from accidental loss.
2. Shops to be open all day and night. This way night owls can have more to do at night. :)
3. More new fish and bugs and that they didn't remove any or the diving feature from New Leaf.
4. More expensive bugs and fish/seafood for the Fall and Winter season. This way we can make decent bells all year round.
5. More flower types and colors and the ability to still do hybrid breeding.

Well, that's about it. I especially would love the shops being open all day and night and I'm sure everyone else would agree on that. ;)
1. Make game save to the SD card.
2. Remove Auto-save.
3. Not require online access to upgrade anything.
4. Remove anything to do with PC .
5. Be able to time travel.
1. New flower types, and even more weed types than the ones we've already seen!
2. Cloud saves. Please.
3. No duplication glitch early on in the game. This was a big problem with New Leaf and it honestly killed the economy within the first six months of the game. I hope bells are harder to come across, and that items are more expensive so there's more satisfaction when it comes to buying items. I think this would also encourage more bug and fish hunting, as well as turnip purchasing!
4. Dream Suite 2.0! I absolutely adored this feature in New Leaf and I hope there's something similar this time!
5. New animal types. I know we won't be seeing any new personalities for villagers, but I'd love to see them introduce some new species, whether they're villagers or NPC's!
I agree with all of you about the cloud saves. It is a big concern! All of you have made such good points+ideas about what should be in the new game! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that at least some of these will be included, especially the cloud saves. Surely there has ben enough complaint about it?
1. The return of the dream suite!
2. Villagers more involved with the island.
3. This might be strange, but I miss the bug net glitch sjdh.
4. No region exclusive items-
1. Return of the NL island. I really enjoyed the asmosphere of this place... mini-games... meet somebody else... of course, sometimes it's repetitive, but I had a lot of fun !
2. All the items of all the versions, especially Pocket Camp. I don't care if I have to buy them with real money (it's better without of course) but... I can't play this game without all these wonderful items ! Julian's one are just soooo beautiful.
3. I don't know how they will introduce special events (Christmas, Easter...) but I still want them ! I think it's not AC if these special days are deleted. Maybe add some others ? For more fun !
4. Cloud save and not just 1 town per Switch please. I put them together because it's two big problems I noticed.
5. More shops and maybe a way (like in HHD) to design them. I know having a restaurant or hospital is quite useless for now, but I think with a little bit of imagination, they can easily make them useful... just for fun.
It may be a bit hard for them to do a return of a new leaf island since the game IS an island. Maybe they could do a city or small town escape idea with it's own set of mini games? It would be nice to have a retreat with mini-games but I doubt we will see it given that the game is a retreat and we're not mayor anymore :( I'll miss being mayor.

I definitely agree with the other points though! It would be great if they could add even more special events but that may be a little hard given that it's an international game and there aren't a whole lot more events (I'm not American so there aren't as many here) Maybe they could have a national day? Celebrating the island lol.

Cloud save is a big one, with so much complaint I don't think it's out of the question that this might get changed down the track by nintendo

More in the way of shops is definitely in my top five! Restaurants, schools, hospitals etc would just be awesome :)
Just because we are on an island doesn't mean it's the only island.

I'm hoping for a Tortimer Island and a mainland for shopping.
Just because we are on an island doesn't mean it's the only island.

I'm hoping for a Tortimer Island and a mainland for shopping.

True- but the point of the main island is that it is already a retreat. It would be like asking for a holiday from a holiday.
True- but the point of the main island is that it is already a retreat. It would be like asking for a holiday from a holiday.

Not at all.

Tortimer Island had the tour games, and exclusive items, bugs, fish, flowers and fruit.
True- but the point of the main island is that it is already a retreat. It would be like asking for a holiday from a holiday.

Yeah,the island will be a retreat but not necessarily a vacation or holiday considering that you'll be building a permanent home there and will be staying for an undetermined length of time.Like Constantine said, it makes sense to have Tortimer Island nearby and to have a mainland where the traditional Animal Crossing shops would be located.To me,it wouldn't be Animal Crossing without those elements in place.
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It may be a bit hard for them to do a return of a new leaf island since the game IS an island.
If Tortimer's Island is meant by that, they could bring it back as one of the neighbor islands you can
go visiting. After all, IRL there are bigger islands surrounded by smaller islands, so technically your
own island can be the main one (the biggest of all) which is surrounded by smaller islands owned by
NPCs (in this case Tortimer). All they have to do is just not presenting Tortimer's island as an "holiday
island" but just as his home island and problem solved.
Honestly what I want the most is the new types of items they have introduced in Pocket Camp!

Honestly what I want the most is the new types of items they have introduced in Pocket Camp!


Backpacks are definitely in the game, since you can see two characters by the end of the E3 trailer
wearing one. And I 100% agree with the rest, I would especially love to have all the wings available
in the game.
Backpacks are definitely in the game, since you can see two characters by the end of the E3 trailer
wearing one. And I 100% agree with the rest, I would especially love to have all the wings available
in the game.

I must have missed that! Good to know! So many cute items in PC. I don’t play it anymore tho because it’s just a cash cow. So I really hope to see a lot of the items in NH or similar stuff!
I must have missed that! Good to know! So many cute items in PC. I don?t play it anymore tho because it?s just a cash cow. So I really hope to see a lot of the items in NH or similar stuff!

Yeah, I stopped playing Pocket Camp too because of the whole Leaf Ticket madness. I also hope
they gonna bring all those fancy new items from PC to NH, as some of them looking pretty neat.
New fruits/berry bushes/some kind of small farming element would be cool
I' m hoping for some old villagers to be brought back (Monpe T^T)
We can either move or break rocks (one of my biggest complaints in NL. I don't care of more pop up, just give me the option to break them)
I would love some games or something to make multiplayer more than "here's what you wanted I'm going to drop it in your town and leave"
Yess! We need some of the super cute pocket camp items, they are adorable but as two of you have said above, very costly and not worth it on pocket camp. Wings and backpacks for both the villagers and the main character would be amazing. I also really want to see the return of some old villagers such as Tad, Ellie and a lot of others!! (without having to buy an amiibo card!) The farming idea would be cool but it is controversial and personally I can see both sides. Animal crossing has always been quirky and relaxing, not a you must fulfil these quests/tasks in order to level up game.
Yeah, definately new fruits, bushes (the only bush I saw in the direct was joined to a house?), trees and flowers. I really want huge sunflowers!

I want all the good things from NL to be carried over. I'd hate to lose things like Re-Tail and the ability to have a perfect town without watering flowers every day.

I hope there are offshore activities that don't require internet.

Bring back some of good old Wild World dialogue.