Town feels really small...


Senior Member
May 5, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Maybe it's just me or the map I chose, but my town feels so small. When I go to other's towns there's seem so much bigger compared to mine. Maybe its the placement of the river or because I don't know my way around? Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else feels the same way about their town.

Edit: Here's my map
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I know the feeling. I had a bridge at a great spot when I started, but this river on the left hand side kinda makes the land where my house is feel a little bit cramped.

They definitely could have made the villages bigger and did a little something more with the beach.
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Yes i was thinking the samething here's my town i was thinking of restarting but i dont know since i got so far in the game :/
My town feels pretty small too. I think it's my buildings are close to each other, but I don't mind.
I also think it's because I'm so used to it now.
I feel like a barely have any room for public works projects. And villagers are taking up space where I would like some of them to go >_<
I think that starts to happen when you get used to your town map.
although, I haven't thought mine was small, and I see so many big areas to build community projects in. + v +
I know how you feel. I would put public works in a nice location and then someone would move in right in front of it and ruin the view or just move in too close. It is very annoying. I think the river does a lot to make towns feel smaller. The rivers in this game are so backwards and annoying to get around for the most part in this game.
It's a darn shame you can't customize the map layout of your town before start or set up residential areas (like in Sim City)..
The maps are kinda small in this game... :( And feel even smaller with 10 villagers, multiple players, community projects...

What kind of river layout do you have? I feel like this can really change a lot.
I've spent the whole weekend resetting for a good town layout, and I came across quite some maps that felt even smaller to me than others do.
Plus, bridge placement is also something that can make your town feel bigger or smaller... I guess. I'm gonna build a second bridge next to (or as near as possible) where the river enters my town. Since it divides my town into two parts I'm going to have to walk all the way through the first in order to get to the second.

+ I wish they would have kept the second level (or third) from the GC version and City Folk...
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+ I wish they would have kept the second level (or third) from the GC version and City Folk...

100% agree! Or how about on the bottom screen, slide left & right for a different section of the map? Huhgnn... maybe in the sequel. ):
When I started I felt the map was small but over the week I've realized there's plenty of space for everything I want. :) I'm glad the rumor of 12 villagers from months and months ago isn't true, or else it would feel tiny.
I feel like a barely have any room for public works projects. And villagers are taking up space where I would like some of them to go >_<

I know what you mean. I'm wondering how I'll fit things in without it looking haphazard. I want my town to look pretty.
I'm trying to reserve certain spots for later projects with projects I don't really want.
I'm planning to build the fence where I want the Roost to be. Hopefully no one moves in that spot before I have a chance.
I completely agree... the towns seems very small, even in comparison to the towns that were present in wild world..
+ I wish they would have kept the second level (or third) from the GC version and City Folk...

I was happy they got rid of it. ^^;

I was just thinking earlier that the town feels very small - but at first it felt massive and I just couldn't find my way around! I do think it's just a case of getting used to it.
I am okay with the size of my town, it could have been a little bit bigger i guess but i wouldn't like a town that is too big ;-)

i have to see yet what my town feels like with 10 villagers and all my community projects.. maybe i will find it too small then too..
Reasons etc.

Okay, the river layout is the main reason why some maps "appear smaller" than others, and ofc. the fact that you get really used to your map after 1 week or so.
So my advice would be: choose a river that divides your town into 2 equal parts! This doesn't have to mean, that you have to choose a boring, straight river course! Not at all!

I came across this amazing river layout: it is a very curvy and interesting river but it STILL divides your town in 2 equal parts (kinda diagonal)... pretty cool in my opinion. This is also my own map.

As you can see it provides lots of open space for your projects (I circled the areas that I want to use for community projects) and this map generally "feels much bigger".

PS: I do not want any new villagers in those 2 areas, that's why I use the "control where your villagers move"-trick. You should also try that! CLICK HERE.

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Maybe it's just me or the map I chose, but my town feels so small. When I go to other's towns there's seem so much bigger compared to mine. Maybe its the placement of the river or because I don't know my way around? Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else feels the same way about their town.

It's because your villagers are so spread out. If they were clustered together more, you'd have more open space and it would feel bigger.